为5G做准备以及为何重要I LeoKärkkäinen


与IBM合作主办的《技术评论》第二届年度领导力峰会提供了对尖端技术的精选分析,并提供了实现最大业务影响的实施策略。 https://forms.technologyreview.com/leadership-summit/。

  1. Congratulations on up-grade this kind of technology because sooner or later we will benefit from it, and we will have access at a lower cost and security on the web with a wider capacity of flows of data, images, sounds, and many more benefits. I expect to see advances between this tech and easy appliances in economics surveys like experimental economy that allow revealing complex relationships in real-time and as a consequence make better public and private policies to fight against poverty, inequality or lack of accesses to resources like water, unemployment, and many more key issues related to improving the human welfare. Thanks a lot to Mr.Leo Kärkkäinen.

  2. This is part of Agenda21 right here, 24/ 7 surveillance for a resource based economy based on the scam which is climate change ( in reality it's weather and climate modification) which will fry everything, 4G and cell towers are already decimating the birds and insects, do we need 5G for your profit? I don't think so.

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