PS5和Xbox Series X可能会延迟//来自忍者团队的新PlayStation 5 IP

最近有消息称,索尼和微软即将推出的下一代游戏机PS5和Xbox Series X最终可能会推迟到2020年至2021年。这可能是由于冠状病毒的爆发在中国造成了制造问题。相当严肃的东西。我们最近还获悉,即将推出的Ps4独家Final Fantasy 7 Remake的PS4排他性时间窗口已得到扩展,以解决延迟问题。因此,它将在发布后一年内不在Xbox One或其他平台上发布。最后,我们将讨论忍者团队,Nioh和Nioh 2的创建,他们希望为PlayStation 5创建新的IP。





  1. Be sure to leave the video a like if you enjoyed it.

    Do you think the next-gen consoles will end up getting delayed due to the Cornavirus or are you expecting them to hit their holiday 2020 window? Also let me know if you plan to get Final Fantasy 7 remake on PS4 or if you are planning to wait it out and get it on another platform. I also want to know your thoughts on Team Ninja creating a new IP for PS5 and if you are planning to play Nioh 2.


  3. Fuck ps5 … They are making us stupid … They can't orgnize a even though in that event they have to show only ppt … At X Box have coursty to show us some thing… I thing ps5 is just a mirrage … actually they don't have anything to show…

  4. Looks like we need to do donations to help the developers! You know the cure? I better keep gathering the toy money longer while finding the way to do donations! So listen up! While accepting the delay, we must help Asia, like China and Japan! We must donate for the cure! The fate of the next gen consoles are in our hands! Is anyone with me?! Oh sorry it’s my half fact half opinion! But we must help make a cure! And save not only Asia, everyone else!

  5. Opinions needed from my fellow gamers! Lifelong PlayStation guy and I picked up a Xbox one x Jedi bundle for next to nothing.

    Ive played around with the x and I realize the only Xbox exclusive I really enjoy is the Forza franchise.

    Should I hold onto the one x because it will play carry forward into the next gen of games?

    Or should I sell it while its still a current gen console and still has value?

    MBG or anyone care to lend an opinion?

  6. Xbox is a joke these day's man it's actually laughable. They have some nerve saying that sony and nintendo can't compete with them especially when they are in 3rd place and have also given sony access to Azure… 7 billion people is almost the entire world population and only someone delusional as fuck would expect to reach a number even 1/7th of that. There's a good chance that because of all this talk about cloud, giving people such mixed messaging and pretty much making you're console an option that Xbox is going to almost disappear next generation and it's certainly possible. I expect them to sell around 20-30m consoles next gen and they can say it doesn't matter but it does… if you're brand name becomes irrelevant in the eyes of the consumer then no matter what you offer it'll never be enough to succeed. Xbox is dying… it's a fact at this point it'll be gone in the next generation. Streaming and cloud gaming will definitely take off but not to the extent microsoft beleive it will, Sony has the right idea and they have since 2014 when they introduced PS now, You sell you're console and get you're brand name out there and that gives people faith in you're brand which then leads to them possibly subscribing to you're OPTIONAL streaming service. Xbox doesn't offer enough quality to warrant a subscription fee every month for their games. PS is going to absolutely dominate next generation to the point that xbox will become non existent, it already is around the world unless you're from the US, UK or Canada. They can't even gain the majority share of their own home market because people just don't like their product and offerings. PS is and always will be the dominant gaming brand whether it has cloud gaming or not and itll be closely followed by nintendo. Xbox is fucked.

  7. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Choronavirus was released deliberately but you’ll never be told that. Designed to damage the Chinese economy.

  8. To be honest why does Microsoft even try to ship the thing to the asian market!! It dies there nobody in the asian market want an American console it’s crap and the asian market tells the story!! It has always died there!! And not sure why Xbox was trying to make a jrpg in the console ? I mean come on that is a joke!! Would anybody take that serious Japanese role playing game in Xbox omg!! No Japanese developers would go near that thing … it’s not Japanese come on people!! ?

  9. Each FF is a self contained story and world, some better than others.
    FFVII was the game that grew rpg and deep gaming stories on me, back in 1997. Not sure how will the remake be, but it's worth a shot.

  10. Maybe you should do a little research about the new Sony patent for AI Manipulative MTX like i said months ago New Management New Company we are going to see First Party Sony MP games with MTX next gen i just hope they dont push that crap into their SP games

  11. I played one Final Fantasy game: FFXIII
    And boy I got burnt so hars on that game. Also tried out FFIII and didn't like it.
    I don't get the appeal of these games. They look good but that's it: boring combat system, boring level design, ridiculous story. Do not recommend

  12. Mbg you should do a video on you top 10 best ps exclusives and your most looking forward exclusives…all the sequels really….love them all but i need another bloodbourne in my life…ill never forget that experience playing that for the first time

  13. Would coronavirus epidemic also affect manufacturing of server equipment? Are most of equipment made in China as well? The servers are needed for companies to run cloud gaming efficiently.

  14. A delay is plausible but unlikely. I think Sony and MS will sort alternate manufacturers but they might have to start production earlier than they would have predicted and this may screwup an plans or restrict supply units even further. Hopefully both will have or very close to having final silicon. Some specs may have to change if parts can’t be sourced in time. I don’t think they will delay.

  15. We are covered with Final Fantasy 7 Remake, Last of Us 2, and Ghost of Tsushima, but what about our Xbox brothers? Those guys going to be bored as hell.

  16. If they need to delay them to get the coronavirus situation under control then i hope they take there time im happy to wait dont want it to spread anymore than it has already

  17. Lol new IP from team ninja ? you do know they're ninja guide is more of an Xbox franchise and they never said anything about PlayStation lol

  18. No. I bet my house that they won’t be delayed. The ps5 is more likely to be delayed coz sony must be scrambling to find any sort of advantage for the ps5 over the XseX. The XseX will definitely be launching holiday 2020 and if sony were to delay I think it’d be a really bad decision.
    XseX = RDNA 2 = High end = $500
    ps5 = RDNA 1 = mid range = $400
    XseS =RDNA 2 = low/mid range = $300

  19. I really hope the outbreak gets under control. I'm not concerned with a delay. I'm not planning to buy a ps5 until the end of 2021 or 2022. There's a lot of games i still haven't played in this generation and this year is a very strong year on ps4.

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