
Nintendo Switch看起来已经准备好迎接2020年,但到目前为止,到2月中旬为止,它一直非常安静。没有Nintendo Direct,没有新的Switch游戏公告,新的可怕的Switch Online游戏到来,而且各个方面都变得安静。那么2020年的Switch将会发生什么?

推特:@ rgt_85

#NintendoSwitch #NintendoDirect #Nintendo。

  1. Saints row 4 Saints row 4 Saints row 4 lol..I'm happy with switch..I mean ff7,8,9,10,10×2,Diablo 3 and the link games..that's alot of games..prob just me..but I got to get caught up lol

  2. I used to like his vids but damn recently quality has gone down. Gone are the days of informed options and replaced with constant whining about every little thing just for views :/

  3. To be honest it doesn't bother me too much.. Maybe its the fact that I grew up with magazines and early internet where there was only a handful if screenshots and two pages of info every month. maybe people are too spoilt with game news now?

  4. The best thing would be to announce the sequel or at least the remaster of Skies of Arcadia, a JRPG gem.

    Like you said, we played Xenoblade already… And the remaster won't bring much more than hd graphics ^^'.

    So my question is: what are they waiting to bring Skies of Arcadia and Baten Kaïtos back?! O_o

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