
2020年奥斯卡颁奖典礼将于下周末举行,综艺节目的珍妮尔·莱利(Jenelle Riley)和马克·马尔金(Marc Malkin)对谁将赢得最佳男主角和女主角做出了最终的预测。看起来像整个颁奖季一样,Renee Zellweger(Judy)和Joaquin Phoenix(Joker)是领跑者。



  1. As much as I love Adam Driver and I hope he gets an Oscar soon, Joaquin took it well and he and he got what he fucking deserved. Im sure Driver would agree with me

  2. "The movie is so dark, the people didn't like the movie" what??? The box office gross definitely didn't show that. What do people like nominated instead? Frozen 2?

  3. People still care about these whiney, entitled, rich people who claim they want change, i.e. climate change, help for the poor, diversity yet then climb in their hummers, pull into their sheltered mansions as they make sure their staff wait on them, and then smile at all their awards.

  4. Don’t get it. You guys say René will 100% win because she’s won all the precursor awards, but so has Joaquin and you say it’s between him and Driver? What? ?

  5. The only thing that really pisses me off. Is that Awkwafina wasn't at least nominated. It's a bit of a slap in the face here really. When your best actress winner from the Golden Globes.

    Doesn't even get a nomination at the Oscars. Makes the entire thing look like a goddamn joke. Oscars so white still remains a problem.

    This year's nominations certainly adds to that & hope one day. We will actually have a serious conversation. About the lack of representation of women of all colors. Practice what you preach, just saying. :/

  6. I’ve been a fan of Zellweger’s since “Jerry Maguire” and “One True Thing,” but, since she’s won once already, I won’t be surprised if the Academy goes with Erivo, Ronan, or Johannsen.

  7. I’m still sad that Taron Egerton wasn’t even nominated in the Oscars. He really deserves to be nominated. He did a dang good job of playing Elton John in Rocketman.

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