SNES推出新的SNES游戏,任天堂召唤Pokemon Leaker新闻潮





Spawn Wave Merch:













在PAX East上的《 Last Of Us Part II》-2:16


2月的新SNES / NES游戏-4:29

Nintendo召唤Pokemon Leaker-7:33





  1. I’d rather Nintendo upload the heavy hitter classics and have to pay $5 a piece for them rather than wait 2 months for crap games that are free with the subscription.

  2. Shadow of the Ninja was one of my favorites as a kid. Excellent game, but it was overlooked. Definitely a hidden gem. Very difficult game though. Maybe even more difficult than Ninja Gaiden.

  3. Why drop another FF as suggested in the video?

    Everyone already has a ton of those on multiple systems.

    I like they went with titles apparently you even haven't played.

  4. Man ALL i want for my Super Nes online to to have DK Country back, Plz Nintendo we beg you , No one & i mean NO ONE , Ever , Gave a fuck about some tennis game. Stop edging us & let us cum plz

  5. I don't lose any sleep over the StReAmInG FuTuRe nonsense. There's always going to be a market for local gaming with no strings attached. If that means all the greedy big corporations just go a different way, I'm sure there's always going to be indie companies more than eager to satisfy that demand. Worst case scenario, there's always good old retro gaming and a massive backlog to keep me going for a lifetime. I already find far more pleasant surprises from the indie sector of the industry the cookie-cutter focus tested generic garbage most of these big companies vomit since years, anyways.

  6. game: $60
    DLC season pass: $50
    comcast data overage fee: $50

    damn gaming is getting expensive

    real talk tho 1TB is not a reasonable limit for any power-user or multi-user home

  7. Donkey Kong Country 1,2 , 3 , Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana, Super Mario Rpg and Super Mario All Stars to port. But no. Smash Tennis.

  8. Shadow of the ninja is amazing! It was my favorite game on the nes back in the days, but we know it as "Blue Shadow" over here in europe. Love the graphics, gameplay, secrets and great music. Its by far the best game in the bunch, Pop n Twinbee… not so much, I've always looked at it as a chibi Gradius remake, I'd prefered something like Axelay

  9. Don't really care about Last of Us pt2 as I didn't like the first game's story (I read a lot, so the story's twist ending was parsed from me in around chapter 2 or when your told she has immunity). My friends thought I was bullshitting them when I called that shot way longer than they did, which is sad because it's an extremely obvious trope.

    Nope, for me the game I want most still is Cyberpunk 2077. Since the first announcement of the game on their website I've been waiting about 5 years now.

    "Hey Joe, wanna play a Zombie game?"

  10. Nintendo has lost its fire again.

    They lazily ingnore QoL problems such as achievements and its crap UI and system functions (no Bluetooth pairings and online services are a joke)

    The drip feed of classic games is a show of incompetence .

    I wouldn't mind if the classics were GC or Wii games (if they were smart with the VC) but Nintendo is going back to the WiiU corperate vision of just coasting along doing nothing.

  11. I know that there are rights issues with publishers for third party SNES and NES titles, but seriously, why can't Nintendo just dump all of their first and 2nd party games at once? They have the emulator, they have the ROMs, why beat around the bush?

  12. Well Nintendo bringing over more snes games I won’t play ughhhhhhhhhh WHERES EARTHBOUND, CHRONO TRIGGER, OR DONKEY KONG COUNTRY? I’m canceling my sub nothing good is coming out of it I barely play smash now with what multiplayer the games Nintendo has and I’m uninterested in most of the games coming out on the VC’s such a disappointment and a waste of money

  13. Switch Online continues to be the disappointment it is.

    No more free online multiplayer, no more options to buy the retro games separately, and still no transferable purchases. Not to mention the update schedule for Switch Online games is even worse than Nintendo's past efforts.

  14. Nintendo was either going to charge more for the service or they were never going to give a crap about these online emulator perks. This is standard Nintendo. Their a dinosaur company that still does great with standard meat and potatoes gaming. Unless that fails them they won’t be upping their game in other areas.

  15. I think Nintendo probably finds themselves in a situation that can only be described as ironic because the second parties that made a lot of SNES or NES games won't allow Nintendo to release their games on their platform.

  16. Pretty sure the 'F' in F Nintendo stands for força. It means power/force/strength. Like Nintendo Power from back in the day.

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