iOS 14设备支持泄漏和最新谣言!

iOS 14有望支持比预期更多的设备…包括iPhone 6s和iPhone SE。另外,可能会出现一个非干扰性的呼叫横幅。以下是iOS 14上的最新漏洞和谣言!

蓝色iPhone 12 Pro:

iOS&iPadOS 14支持列表:
iOS 14可能会打出非干扰性的呼叫横幅:
iOS 13呼叫横幅概念:
iOS 14将重新关注稳定性:


  1. I watched this in a YouTube video, Apple will give support to the 6s and SE, because the IPhone 8, they sell it on the website, and has 2 rams. So does 6s and SE.

  2. I have an iPhone 7 and it’s still going strong for me is fast and takes great fotos to me but I don’t like it a lot because the design feels old, I want a full display, miss the wireless charging and that makes me wanna get a new. What you think ?

  3. a swipey keyboard and a dark theme aren't "big updates" these features have been around for over a decade on other operating systems. Apple need to bring it on iOS 14, at the very least there needs to be an always on display with interactive notifications.

  4. Kind of funny that you keep using “VZW 5G” even though Verizon has publicly stated that many rural areas aren’t going to get 5G because they’re “fine on LTE”. While T-Mobile is over here making 5G nationwide and continuing to activate city after city and town after town.

  5. I’ve got an iPhone 6s 128 and is a super capable devise… but since iOS 13 has been running very slow…
    so yes, looks like APPLE is still slowing older (but still capable) devise down…
    and I do not really believe that ios14 will be better…

  6. Opinion, Flame away:

    MacOS needs to be for containers what QubeOS is for virtual machines. MacOS needs to stop running applications, and run containers instead. Those containers should be able to handle iOS, Linux, and Windows apps. Better security, better compatibility, and better functionality.

  7. it wasnt planned for the iPhone 6s not to get ios 13. the iphone 5s wouldnt have normally gotten ios 12 but it did. The iphone 6 didnt get ios 13 because thats when it was planned not to get it

  8. Android fanboy where U at? Your beloved company doesn’t even want to support you for more than 3 years?

    Awww, just kidding. Google and OnePlus is okay.

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