符文工厂4特别版-单身汉预告片(Nintendo Switch)

符文工厂4特别版将于2020年2月25日登陆Nintendo Switch!


符文工厂4特殊版标志着受欢迎的STORY OF SEASONS衍生产品系列的重生,该系列结合了农业与地下城冒险,该系列在Nintendo Switch上首次亮相,具有升级的高清显卡,新的“新婚模式”和其他剪裁功能-场景。在这个独立的故事中,玩家选择扮演男性或女性英雄的角色,并会遇到各种各样的潜在追求者和其他可爱的城镇居民。作为新任命的王子或公主,您可以通过发布法令来帮助城镇繁荣来履行自己的皇室职责,或者通过种植自己的水果和蔬菜并帮助城镇居民采取更乡村化的治理方式。如果当天行程中要进行一些地下城冒险,您可以制作或购买各种各样的剑,矛和五线谱以及与魔法作斗争以对抗危险敌人的方法,甚至可以带一些同伴或友善的怪物在旅途中为您提供帮助。 。

  1. I seriously hope they fixed all the glitches. Some of those are nightmare, file wiping inducing. Had to get my husband twice.

  2. Fuck I decided on who I wanted to go for based on just looking at the wiki and their looks alone, BUT HEARING THEM ALL IS MAKING ME CONFUSED BSOSBDOE

  3. Those new drawings actually ruined them lol. Good thing 3ds animation stayed in-game. I want to get a switch but it's quite expensive. Even those second hands are quite pricey -_-

  4. Part of me kind of wished they had updated sprites since it's pretty outdated x_x but still nice of them to replace vishnal's va

  5. Here's to hoping for same sex marriage in Rune Factory 5. I'll buy it day one if there is. Already played and loved RF4 on 3DS and I hope many people will for the Switch as well.

  6. on GOD if they removed the option to change appearances i will lose it i refuse to play strictly as frey the entire time. gays can have little a leon, as a treat.

  7. I actually didn't know who to go for when I first played this game. So I just talked to and gave everyone gifts. Dylas was definitely not on top of my list. Didnt like his design very much at first, not to mention he was the only boss that actually managed to beat the crap out of me. But after countless dialogues from him, he grew on me. A lot.

    Will definitely go for him again next time!

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