最终还可以吗? 8.3 OUTROW ROGUE PVP-魔兽争霸艾泽拉斯8.3



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Outlaw Rogue 8.0.1 PvE BFA指南:

Outlaw Rogue 8.0.1 PvP BFA指南:

暗杀流氓8.0.1 PvP BFA指南:


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  1. What he's doing:

    Stack Dead shot, snake eyes, and heed my call on every azerite piece.
    Crucible of Flames Major Essence. Minors: Memory, breath, conflict
    Talents: 2,2,2,3,2,2,3
    Weapons used: Unguent Caress off Ra-den. Diver's Folly from EP.
    Glad badge, Glad Insignia

  2. idk lol, pvp feels like shit in BfA.

    Skill is small part of PvP, you need :

    If you have those you beat everyone's ass, sure you might be good without those things, but not on competitive level

  3. Outlaw is trash right now, your DMG is so low compared to other specs with that gear. Arenas right now are all about bursting somone down in a CC chain. Outlaw does not have what it takes to do so. Only chance to kill someone in a BTE is rolling 5 dices. So I gues it's 1% chance. Forget about this spec if you push for glad. Sure You can have some fun, but outlaw is gonna get steamrolled past 1k7 easely by undergeared DH or DK or even assa

  4. I know you said that we should not talk about you killing low geared players. But dude, you're hitting 25k on some guy and 20% of his bar faded, and then you say the video is about the dmg outlaw is doing. Why? It's not impressive.

  5. I'm tried to play outlaw. I and even take 1850 this season but
    Dk+pala = lose, dh+pala=lose, war+pala=50/50% lose.
    Actually everything with dk and pal = lose.

  6. When is the advanced outlaw rogue guide coming? ^^ wanna know those advanced tactics and BiS azerite gear and stuff so i can step up my game.
    Looking forward for it! 🙂

  7. Dal I need you to DM a fellow outlaw and guide your boy on what I should be looking for in this patch ?. I know assassin is doing dumb ST right now but I just love outlaw more lol

  8. I hate that dps this patch is so dependent on corruption. Someone could be 20 ilvs lower with better corruption and out dps you that's not how a game like this should work

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