是的,华金·菲尼克斯(Joaquin Phoenix)当之无愧地获得最佳男主角奥斯卡(Oscar),但不值得单独




  1. Now the the GOP has covered up Trump’s crimes , it is up to the voters to get rid of the guy .. Due your duty …!!!!!

  2. I was really surprised (well, pleasantly surprised) that he gave such an emotional response, as he’s normally pretty sarcastic about these types of things. Phoenix definitely deserves Oscars though, hope he doesn’t drop out of the game anytime soon. He’s one hell of a player.

  3. The Demonicrat’s sick seditious psycho-political criminal insanity isn't going to stop with the failure of its ‘House Impeachment Scam’ – its noxious mockingbird gasbags [MSM] & [CLOWNS] will of course maliciously exploit every little prospective niche they can imagine so as to continue sabotaging President Trump's Administration – and this malfeasance is not going to stop until it's arrested in its tracks by some higher moral authority. No doubt Martial Law and Military Tribunals are ultimately in the cards. We are living through the most critical times in world history and there's no more time for seditious [J&D] (Joker & Degrader) profanity. What is now required for these times is a stable patriot with common sense leadership.

  4. Joaquin and his late brother River. Had a very abusive family life . During their younger years .They were Raised in a religious commune.
    Their Mother moved the family to.Father left couldn't convince. His wife to leave with him . Leader of the commune used the Women. In commune
    To get to their boys and girls.Both brother
    Had Ran away in teen years soon as they could.made their way
    To Hollywood Stardom for both !?☝️☝️To dry sudden death almost destroid
    Joaquine.All they had
    We're eatch other! Recked Joaquine life
    No one to put faith in
    Always the to boys could hold on to eatch others word.
    Never let eatch other
    Down! That's why Joaquine had problems making friends ! Afraid to let
    Others in . ,,❤️☝️

  5. Best actor in the world for me. I wish you a long and happy life, Sir and hope you keep on sharing your immense talent with the world.

  6. why cut the main parts of this speech? .. about the commonality that all people that care about race, gender inequality, gay rights or animal rights share?

  7. His ability to feel for others, including the suffering meat and dairy animals he so desperately try to give a voice to, is what makes him such a great actor. LA Times is WRONG in cutting his speech about the dairy cows, etc.

  8. Joaquin deserved to win for the Master even more than Daniel Day Lewis. His performance in the Master is considered to be one of the best acting performances in cinema history

  9. Democratic’s private jet spending last quarter!!
    Talking about climate change ???

  10. The Joker and Vito Corleone now have something in common: They are the only characters to be portrayed in two Oscar winning performances! Vito Corleone was portrayed by Marlon Brando (The Godfather) and Robert DeNiro (The Godfather Part II), who won Best Actor and Best Supporting Actor respectively. The Joker was portrayed by Heath ledger who posthumously won Best Supporting Actor for The Dark Knight and by Joaquin Phoenix who recently won Best Actor! He TOTALLY deserves his win for Best Actor and he's one of the greatest actors EVER!!! This should be his third Oscar; He also deserves Best Supporting Actor for Gladiator (2000) and Best Actor for The Master (2012)!

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