变得越来越大:PWA进入了台式机和Chrome操作系统(Google I / O ’19)

渐进式Web应用程序不再仅用于移动设备,它们使在Windows,Mac,Linux和Chrome OS上交付高质量,功能强大的应用程序成为可能。我们将深入探讨您需要了解的关键内容,包括如何构建它们,它们提供的一些独特功能,您应遵循的最佳实践以及一些我们最喜欢的台式机PWA的构建。

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演讲者:Paul Covell,吴敏仪


  1. If your application is simplistic enough that it doesn't always need to be online, doesn't need to mulithread and doesn't need access to any OS related API's, sure it's a good idea.

    But applications online, have the expectation that you are online. Especially if the purpose of your application is to provide real-time updates to users.

    I'd say this is a feature that will rarely be used by most websites.

  2. well, while I am not web/frontend developer in fact, I can remember my experiments with MS JScript5 and XHR in IE back in 2000, even playing with it to write serverside(!) ASP (yes, just because try-catch exceptions – that was possible instead of vbscript, although nothing similar to async node)… then back in 2003 I played with MS HTAa, imagining this as future platform for tiny apps on desktop (remembering lightning fast native MSE debugger, ohh) – there was in fact access to filesystem, those days…) … so, all this effort towards PWA seems jut beautifull for very large use cases, despite current complexity to achieve in all working well. Keep rockin' guys! TNX

  3. I feel like this exact talk was already delivered 4 years ago when PWAs were just taking off. I remember building my first demo then using the very same tips talked here. The fact that not much has changed breaks my heart. Nonetheless, I like that Google is still pushing PWAs and hopefully File Handling API will finally get standardized. Web-based app infrastructure really is a brighter future for both developers and users.

  4. Is it worth it?

    Too much advertising for really worthwhile technology.

    – One code – many systems – we have heard this many times.

    – Accessing the file system from a browser is not a good idea.

    – Assurance of security sounds like good wishes for peace on Earth – it sounds beautiful but unreal.

    And the main thing – again – new technology requires rewriting the existing code and learning.
    This means lot of investments personal or business.

  5. Without having watched the whole video, admittedly. This is almost total BS – Basic Sophistry. This would mean the death of the the Play Store and all stores in general and evidenced by the fact that YouTube continues to push with its non progressive web app. Stop publishing the Play Store YouTube App, Google and everyone will follow your lead. All the majors have limited the cache download to around 50 MB which limits the device local functionality.
    earth.google.com doesn't include flight simulator and is not nearly as functional as the x86 app-lication. Nice UX design without the functionality. Anyhow, back to the video in 1.5x because …

  6. In short. PWA's make seamless unity between your app and website. But you online build once, for the web on the web. Further the web on desktop and the web on mobile becomes one. It means you browse alibaba offline as well you could offline
    🙂 whatever am talking about!

  7. Can't wait to see how Google will connect all the new technologies they are working on. Stadia + WebGPU + PWA (+ YouTube Gaming) is changing the gaming world and brings it into the next century.

  8. thanks for the great work! great presentation of amazing things to come in 2019! I bet on pwa-s before apple sw-support but what you plan to do this year, and have done since then, is mind blowing! (at least my mind 🙂

    great summary of the web-app/webapp features, by the way… for me the new thing was the: "I use it" vs. "I own it" row… after some thought, it is truly important, psychologically… decoupling of the app ux from the browser ux, even if the browser is of course our virtual machine doing the heavy lifting in the background

    another last thing to motivate and thank you: with chrome, js, v8, cloud and pwa progress in the last couple of years
    (or decade) you also make developer dreams possible to work alone or in small teams from all over the world! thanks for that, too!

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