OnePlus 7T Pro 5G迈凯轮手机拆箱T移动

查看OnePlus 7T Pro 5G迈凯轮手机拆箱信息,这是最早在T-Mobile 5G网络上运行的智能手机之一。了解此5G智能手机的相关规格,该智能手机具有曲面全屏和后置三镜头摄像头(带超级微距模式)。有关OnePlus 7T Pro 5G的更多信息:

OnePlus推出了其第一款T-Mobile 5G手机以及OnePlus 7T Pro 5G McLaren。相机不是隐藏在前置摄像头上,而是隐藏在手机中,并在您进入自拍模式后弹出。因此,您可以在具有弯曲设计的惊人的6.67英寸2k + Fluid AMOLED显示屏上欣赏电影。OnePlus7T Pro 5G迈凯轮还配备了三款集成了Google镜头的智能相机(超宽相机,广角相机和长焦相机) ),即使放大或在Nightscape中拍摄,也可以捕捉清晰清晰的照片,并且其持久的4000mAh电池具有Warp Charge 30T快速充电功能,因此您可以省去烦恼,享受全美唯一5G网络!



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在这个#TMobile视频中,Des将#OnePlus7TPro#5G McLaren智能手机拆箱。

5G仍在发展中。并非所有设备和信号都兼容;检查设备规格。需要具备功能的设备;某些地区无法使用。虽然5G接入不需要特定的计划或功能,但某些用途/服务可能需要。请参阅T-Mobile.com上的“覆盖范围详细信息,条款和条件”和“开放Internet信息”以获取网络管理详细信息(例如视频优化)。 。

  1. Careful as there is 2 version, make sure it's a 5g version,oneplus is very deceiving when they launch the phone ,they never mention that they are doing a 4g version

  2. I know it's a bit nerdy, but they could have talked about the X55 modem that's in the McLaren OnePlus 7t Pro. That modem adds a degree of future proofing as it covers all of the 5g spectrum.

  3. Just ordered mine today. After over a year of pretty much no service this is the make or break moment. I've loved T-Mobile and been with them about 5 years but I'm also using AT&T right now too. Wish me luck!

  4. I've read the specs on this phone and they look REALLY GOOD but then I read a lot of reviews on the battery and people are saying the battery drains the phone and the GPS doesn't work half the time so… how is the performance of the phone?

  5. Mine comes in Monday and I’ve never been this excited for a phone I switched to TMobile yesterday and I’m hoping the customer service and everything is way better than Verizon

  6. I called TMobile earlier today and just happened to get Randy on the line. I wanted a 5G phone, and got this OnePlus7TPro. He helped me thoroughly, and provided me with the Best Customer Service ever!
    Randy has just renewed my faith with
    T-Mobile. #TMobile

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