揭秘速度工具(Google I / O ’19)

该演讲将为如何有效评估和优化站点性能提供强有力的指导。该课程将与Search Console团队合作,展示如何使用Google的工具来有条不紊地进行诊断,依据实验室和现场指标进行基准测试以及监控网站速度。 Chrome性能专家将现场演示何时以及如何在开发的不同阶段使用各种工具,并在此过程中提供分析和技巧。

Google I / O 2019播放列表中的Web→https://goo.gle/io19web
Google I / O 2019所有会话播放列表→https://goo.gle/io19allsessions
在I / O网站上了解更多信息→https://google.com/io




  1. I spent 10 minutes trying to find more info about the Whiskey and the Bribes platforms before giving up and unpausing the video…

  2. I check this page in Audit (Chrome DevTool) and get 68 points for performance, but from PageSpeedInsights I get 33 points for performance. Is this video page slow or medium? I think it is slow. What do you say about this, Google?

  3. Any reason why you lie twice about the Lighthouse score being the same on your servers as it is on local computers?
    I mean it's an utter bold faced lie. You said it twice @4:10 and @4:40
    We all know people aren't smart enough to run Lighthouse audits through dev tools themselves, which begs the question, why are you not only lying to developers who know better (target audience of footage), but also REFUSING to fix it — seemingly so as to "force" lower scores on the populous en masse?
    Is this how you usher in a new age of AMP? Using social engineering to make people think their websites are bad? I'm genuinely curious. What say you almighty google? Explain the lie.

  4. I have never really seen Paul Irish talking, but I am too familiar with his great dev articles.
    Paul is the front-end optimization god.

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