华金·菲尼克斯(Joaquin Phoenix)的小丑奥斯卡演讲取消了取消文化及其他2020年奥斯卡伟大时刻的决定

我分解了2020年奥斯卡金像奖中我最喜欢的时刻,包括获得寄生虫大奖的!我最喜欢华金·菲尼克斯的演讲。就像他在BAFTA上所做的一样,华金·菲尼克斯(Joaquin Phoenix)在赢得百搭最佳男主角奖后在奥斯卡颁奖典礼上发表了又一次有力的演讲。





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@PopcornedPlanet是安迪·西格诺(Andy Signore)崭新的,没有偏见的居中之地,他被错误地取消了ScreenJunkies,诚实的预告片,MovieFights,Man At Arms等的创建者。您可以在这里了解Andy的旅程:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v = 3wgOF …



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  1. Talking about raping cows for their milk, while true – is extreme for an audience that didn’t ask for his opinion on the matter. I don’t drink Cow milk. My entire family drinks Plant based milk. So while I love that he said it. I also don’t think we should try and force our diet choices on others.

  2. It's funny how we take Actors seriously for their performances and they come on stage want us to take them seriously on other matters.It's like a biologist winning an award for Environmental Research ,gets on stage and starts talking about the negative effects of watching movies. Joaquin's performance was epic, I wish he had spoken about that. Tom Hanks, best acceptance speech ever. On both counts.

  3. Yeah, not going to stop drinking milk but I appreciate his passion on the subject. Respecting people's opinions doesn't have to automatically equate to abiding by those same opinions…unless you just want to. His overall message was about being kind and to stop this cancel culture nonsense.

  4. Activist vegans are troubled souls. On one hand they are appauled by how cows are treated during pregnancy and birth, yet they have no issue with human abortions.

    I believe that they hate the human race and it is guilt and shame that drives them to it.

  5. This a guy who stars in a movie acted out of perceived rejection, self-loathing, and bigotry, the movie does something more troubling. It blames the supervillain's legendary cruelty on mental illness. Rather than effectively advocating for mental health resources, "Joker" plainly tells us to be wary of people who exhibit symptoms of mental illness. Nearly one in five US adults live with some form of mental illness, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. And yet, the myth persists that people with mental illnesses should be feared or avoided. Not only does "Joker" play into that stereotype, it also plays directly into the hands of pro-gun lawmakers, who so often blame mental illness when gun violence occurs. People with mental illnesses are far more likely to hurt themselves — or to be victims of violence — than they are to hurt other people

  6. That's cool if you are a vegan and you choose not to eat meat but I am going to respectfully disagree with your opinion. I love me some hot wings and smoking some barbecue ribs with a tall glass of ice cold milk.

  7. Isnt it hardcore to take milk from another species to drin their Milk? To what? To become a cow also? Milk has more calories then Cola and its responsible for heartattacks and othere diseases. Why is it extreme, to dont punish cows and take there children. Dont understand that.

  8. Did Joaquin Phoenix realize he won an award for acting?being a lucky SOB being in a movie? Actors need to get off their soapbox,(brad pitt too, with his asinine john bolten comment) they aren't winning for their political beliefs, which are out of step for most Americans. I know Joaquin a true believer , in climate change, the green agenda, etc…he remind me of the older male version of greta thunberg, who grew up in a cult too. I agree with Ricky Gervais (who should host every award show. ) & paddy chayefsky(said it in 1978) so sactimonious, stop with the preaching politics ,propaganda & just say thank you..it's movies, not politics,.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JupkXrn1ahU , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sLR1giNJh6w .

  9. Laura Dern won because the character she played was just Hollywood liberals in a nutshell. They are selfish, cruel, hate marriage and God, and pretend to be your friend. They gave her the award because to them she embodied truth.

  10. I want to vomit every time I hear one of these stupid actors start spouting out bullshit about their beliefs. Joaquin Phoenix sounds just like a politician. He says a lot without saying anything. But the sheep in the audience eat it up. He and all celebrities just talk about the problems but expect everyone else to fix them. Put your money where your mouth is you overprivileged and overpaid idiots. He's probably never set foot on a farm or ranch in his life. But because he has an agenda to push he just says one extreme example from something he has seen or heard. As Ricky Gervais said, accept your little award, thank your agent and fuck off. They know nothing of the real world and nobody with half a brain should give a shit what they say.

  11. Wow, what a shocker. Another Pixar movie won Best Animated. Yawn. The Academy really doesn't like original animated movies.

  12. The Oscars always have way too much music for my liking. It's not the f'ing Grammy's. Often there is more stuff with music than movies. I've said it for years but all 5 best original songs should be combined into one 5 minute montage. Where they play about a one minute sample from each song. They have done it before. I don't need to hear 5 different songs in full taking up 20+ minutes of the show. Plus an opening musical number and then another music performance for the In Memoriam. Ugh. It's too much.

  13. I'm not sure I like that Foreign/International and Animated has it's own category for Best Picture but it can also be nominated for Best Picture. So they can technically (and did last night) win 2 Best Picture awards. If they are eligible for Best Picture then they shouldn't have their own category. If so, then why don't they have a category for Best Domestic Picture? I don't know, it's kind of strange.

  14. There were no massive surprises. It was pretty predictable this year. Everyone knew it was between 1917 and Parasite for Best Picture.

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