
奥斯卡2020年片刻:布拉德·皮特(Brad Pitt)的首场表演胜利,“帕拉斯特”(Parasite)爱情和阿姆(Eminem)。

从布拉德·皮特(Brad Pitt)的第一部奥斯卡奖到阿姆(Eminem)令人惊讶的表演,第92届奥斯卡颁奖典礼都是令人难忘的夜晚。



  1. Awards are given out for merit, not skin color. If Chris Rock wants more black nominees, he can petition for a black Academy Awards. There were plenty of black nominees and winners in the past, which suffices. Also, the giving of the award to "Parasite" as best picture was a rip-off. There's a category for foreign language motion pictures already, which the movie won also.

  2. A lot of 'victims' at the Oscars, the real victims of Hollywood are the abused children, the raped women and men yet these vermins acting is that good they acted like they didn't know which for all of these Hollywood pos was the best acting they ever did.

  3. Wow… Brad really is a pretty boy who is pretty DUM. Always insightful to hear Hollywood liberal millionaires tell working America how we should vote..
    Another SHEEP following the HERD…

  4. Mr. Pitt didn't get the memo: the public doesn't want to hear the politically-biased and sophomoric opinions of a rich, drug and booze addled, entitled, Hollywood actor.

  5. I haven't watched the Oscars in years because of stunts like Brad Pitt putting his 2 cents in. Good actor, maybe a nice guy but he offends half of his fan base . Every year there is some one at this show pushing the Democratic agenda.

  6. I'm so proud when parasite, bc the korean film industry isn't as big and kpop in an international point of view. So to see a non-English, let alone a korean film win, made me so happy a d proud as a half korean? and the movie is literally so good. I can't really describe how it made me feel while watching it, but I can say that that emotion was a positive one indeed?

  7. You People Are So Mean!!!! I watched the Oscars with my kids so I could show them what communist pigs look like , that is one of the most educational shows on television

  8. Congress Democrats had 17 witnesses during impeachment investigation, and the Republicans were allowed zero. No way Bolton will testify in the senate. TRUMP NOT GUILTY! TRUMP EXONERATED FOREVER! FIVE MORE YEARS OF TRUMP!

  9. This will be his last! We love Trump! Next time stick with the jokes! Last night made me sick, you have turned more then half of Americans against you! If you think you know why Senate didn’t do what the dems wanted shows how stupid you are! Jennifer Anderson need a smarter guy, not a dumb ass like you! Even Angie deserve better, no wonder she divorced you! Stay out of politics, but I think your nailed yourself to the cross! Your career has died!

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