
尽管华金·菲尼克斯(Joaquin Phoenix)赢得了奥斯卡最佳男主角奖,并确保了清教徒的眼泪,但今年,奥斯卡仍然是个醒来的恐怖盛宴。



#Oscars2020 #Oscars #Joker。

  1. You do know that Marx ideals always lead to democracy and it was Stalin who bastardized the ideals and turned it into Stalinism and not communism right. So her message does stand. Just saying as a history buff.

  2. The only cringe-fest was yours, Flash.

    Everything else was fine. Joaquin doesn't shove woke bs into everyone's face like some game developers do now, but just let the man have his say. There's a difference between woke assholes that spew shit just to be apart of something, and there's being woke for a self-cause.

    Do we shame Mormons that go door-to-door to preach about their lord and savior? Yes, because they can fuck off when we're not seeking "the righteous way". To the people that practice in silence, to themselves, all the more to them.

    This (Joaquin's speech) was just an open and expressive form of gratitude, but I digress.

    Keep doing you.

  3. I didn't watch the propaganda oscar awards but I know it was probably cringy. Joaquin, Brad pitt and the obamas are irrelevant puppets. No one cares what they say. Michelle is looking a lot more like a dude though. It's hard hiding it as they get older. They can stick their communist sentiments in their ass.

  4. I agree with you, I have not seen the Oscars in probably 30 something years, the only reason I saw it this year was because I was expecting Joker to win some of those nominations.

  5. As someone who did, I’ll tell you that it’s like a photo finish between Parasite, Joker, 1917, and The Irishman. They’re all excellent and imo a certain amount of bias went into play for the winner.

  6. A celebrity giving his opinion on politics will never go over well, no matter who it is, but Phoenix actually had a great and important speech at the Oscars. I'm glad he spoke about that topic.

  7. *takes out a mic and moves mic to ur mouth as if im a news reporter XD
    @YellowFlash 2 i didnt hear the whole speech[i had to leave the house right away] but(im paraphrasing here) didnt Joaquin Phoenix say that white men were part of the problem? did i hear that wrong or are u just ignoring it for ur own benefit? lool
    i dont remember what he said, but he also said something about my people "indigenous peoples rights" -Joaquin Phoenix 2020

    i mean im outside of the "ppl hating on puritans" circle, and also outside of the "sjw" circle, i actually cut myself off of every circle cos of the drama, but i am a bit curious lol, i guess u cud say im not on anyones side

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