下一代控制台手表:PS5和Xbox Series X新闻,泄漏,分析

欢迎来到“下一代控制台手表2020”,这是Xbox Series X和PlayStation 5所有产品的一站式服务。本周,我们讨论帧速率与分辨率,泄漏的Xbox Series X照片,GDC下一代开发人员投票以及新的PS4返回何处。 Button可能会谈到PS5,以及我们的功能主题:升级到下一代产品后向兼容性会受到影响吗?


  1. Welcome to Next-Gen Console Watch 2020! Be sure to head over to ign dot com to vote on the poll: Will you Play Cyberpunk 2077 on Current Consoles or Wait Until Next Gen? – Producer Dan

  2. Price will be around 600… 🙂 Keep in mind that the coronavirus hit China. Production can get delay and even the parts can get expensive…

  3. I honestly think PS5 over its lifespan will outsell the XBox series X. However the PS4 is still going strong and will for quite a while longer. This might keep many people from buying a PS5 early. I never buy consoles right away. I’m always a year or two at least behind. I wait for them to work out the kinks and bugs and drop the price and usually they make a slim version and that’s when I pick it up. Lol.

  4. Hey everyone. Backwards compatibility will you play your xbox one games on the new xbox….

    But…that's what were playing at the moment.

  5. Why is it so hard for people to understand that the line between current and next gen console hardware is now blurred? CD Red Project has as much need to make a "Next Gen" version Cyberpunk on consoles as they do to make one that runs on on a PC with a GTX 2080…

  6. I remember last gen or current gen boasting about 4k resolutions. We hardly got that and at stable frames. So this whole "8k" is bogus. We can't even get 1080p and 60fps stable. lol

  7. Lots of people still dont have hi-res tv/monitors etc, so lets firstly address the loss of res beginning at home lol.
    I'd like more resolution, atleast native 4k in all games, remasterings Inc.

  8. All game 60 fps minimum is king
    720p 120??? ultra
    1080p 60-120? high to very high
    4k 60-80? med to high
    8k 30-60? low

    8k 120 potato setting
    game like angry bird can ru it????

  9. It's almost to the point where I should just buy a PC. I have upgraded my xbox everytime but I might not this time. Even if it does have higher frame rate and 8K. I'm ok with running at the current frame rate…I'm a casual gamer not a professional so as long as the frame rate is stable I'm ok with it as is. 8K is not a thing yet and I have only owned a 4K tv for 2 years now so why would I spend the thousands to get a new TV to support 8K when the majority of content is 4K.

  10. honestly backward compatibility will want me to upgrade sooner. Though I'll save that cash til PS5 slim or 2TB of hd space.

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