Ny&alotha电影全集-所有N&zoth过场动画 [8.3 WoW BFA: Visions of N'zoth]

Ny’alotha电影结束。所有的N’zoth过场动画。 《黑色帝国战役》的重演,讲述了怒火的到来,恩佐斯的入侵以及妮亚洛莎·克里玛克斯的到来。包括8.3版中的电影,过场动画和任务线。恩佐斯也像个zo夫一样出去玩。

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链接:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v = xg_5HARaNbE

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链接:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v = mfL7LTZ3Voc

链接:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v = yEigiBwT-nM
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《魔兽世界》中的Azeroth OST之战。


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  1. Hiya Folks! Here’s the full N’zoth Ending, along with the rest of the 8.3 Black Empire Campaign consolidated in one video. I tried to edit it a bit but it’s still INCREDIBLY CRINGY. Still holding out hope for a mythic ending as I believe Blizzard purposelly made N'zoth a weak fight & and mediocre ending. It's an ILLUSION, as denoted by the mythic phase description! But nevertheless, I’ve made my peace with it. Here’s the bulk of 8.3 in one video so you don’t have to click on 10+ videos. Take Care!

  2. Oh god. Obviously, every scrub is the hero stopping an old god, wielding the power of azeroth against him. Jesus fucking christ… When everyone is a legendary miracle making chosen hero no one is.

  3. That moment when Blizzard doesn't know how to wrap shit up and a writer happens to watch DragonBall on his day off and that idea gets into the final draft of the story for BFA….

  4. Tyrande will be the perdition of the Alliance. Perhaps we can at last be neutral and side with either side or simply become a neutral unit mercenary of sorts.
    Inb4 Azshara recovers the dagger and stabs Tyrande in the heart taking the 5th unnamed Old God with her. I don't know why they've done "Chronicles" when they always planed to burn all that was written on it in the first place.

  5. This all seems kind of "indoctrination theory" from Mass Effect. But my thought is, could that Heart of Azeroth not supercharge an old god? Magni would be made a pawn. And the idea that you suddenly snap out of corruption to kill old god seems unlikely. Like you're just going to wake up and lazy hover into the sky to be a focal point? If your mind was corrupted, it would seem he could make anything appear to happen.

  6. Well yes of course Blizzard will introduce "some bigger antagonist" (if not a little bit of retcon too) for the Sylvanas's "becoming-more-powerful" arc anyway. It's not hard for Blizzard to do that anyway, so why the complaints? N'Zoth could just go down easy and blizzard could just invent some bigger baddies manipulating things "behind the scenes" afterwards. Or hey, even a Tzeentch-like "haha nzoth's defeat was part of the bigger evil plan….." or whatever lol !

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