Qi与MAXIMUM AD Build! |勇士竞技场

借助此版本,Qi绝对可以一次性完成AOV中的所有操作!请记住,此构建确实使她的能力受到了最大程度的伤害,但它仍然只是一个巨魔构建,我不建议您尝试! Omni Arms对于她的自动攻击造成伤害是必不可少的,并且总的来说,她的DPS比该构建要大得多。因此,这只是一个有趣的小构建,我想在此视频中向大家展示!我将继续说明如何正确播放Qi,并为您提供一些很好的技巧和窍门,说明如何使用Qi的ult并以创造性的方式滥用其ult的一部分!您还可以在这里学习有关Valor竞技场中丛林的一两件事!




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#aov #qi #qifullad。

  1. Qi running from Zanis in the first minutes
    Me: What are you doing? Qi can outplay Zanis in 1Vs1
    nice gameplay btw, I'm maining Qi, I love her skill set <3

  2. Around 9 minutes in when you're roaming around is usually when I go solo dark slayer, my score is usually average but my team can roll easily with a decent comp

  3. Shurkou, you are right about the ult. for minions against walls. It's really useful for getting way or catching someone out of range. I also liked how you hit the Blue golem with creep next to it. I pull the golem to the bush and S2 through him to the creep on left side.

  4. @shurkou Thanks for playing my main Qi again! I see your improvements as well!
    A tip I would say for Violet that I learned is to be patient with your S1 dash, wait for her to roll if you can, then S1 and S3.
    Nice use of walls for stuns. I've won so many games with one team fight that changes everything.
    Additionally, you gave good tips about Qi jungle. The more you farm and gank in-between; it flows better and works well with natural rotations.

    Again, great content!

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