
索尼的PS5是最新一代的Playstation主机,定于2020年市场假期推出。随着对视频游戏开发商的新研究表明,xbox series x和Nintendo几乎肯定会输掉这场战斗!

PS5计划在这个假期停止销售,似乎他们已经击败了竞争对手!尽管有传言称微软Xbox Series X和Nintendo Switch Pro即将在同一时间推出,但接受调查的大多数游戏开发人员都表示,与Xbox和Nintendo Switch相比,他们对PS5更感兴趣。这些游戏开发人员不仅发现PS5更吸引人,而且大多数人都说他们正在开发的下一款游戏是PS5。围绕即将推出的PS5的所有炒作,在假日购物时间看看事情如何发挥将是很有趣的。您认为谁会在索尼,微软和任天堂之间脱颖而出?


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  1. U know what what Microsoft should do for their box change their name to xbot and say they r trash and they must quit making consoles if they do this it's really appreciated

  2. You showed like four different designs for the ps4 in ur video lmao. The fact is that Sony haven't shared anything so this whole video is bs. (i own an xbone and a ps4 btw)

  3. Microsoft days are numbered. I think reason they are failing, is they don't respect us gamers. The 360 release is example how Microsoft disrespect us as customers. They knew it problems, but they released it. Also there customer service is the worst of three consoles. Seriously most frustrating customer service. Last but not least exclusives games. Microsoft has habit alienate 3rd parties. Everyone remembers how they treat bungle and gaming companies. I'm sorry Microsoft see profit nothing else. I hope there reading this comment. When you're goal is nothing but profit, not satisfying customers. You always fail every turn. Customers want quality products, good customer service, and not false promises. Good bye Microsoft Xbox you never stood a chance.

  4. I just got a ps4 pro. It's really great, but I'm a PC gamer too so Xbox probably would've been the better choice. I think we'll see Microsoft emerge as the more consumer friendly company this generation.

  5. Nice shill title. Clicked to drop by and say: Already won? With their in-game microtransaction patent? With their Ethics Police?

    I've bought Playstations since PS2; bought Day One since PS3.

    I'm not touching PS5.

  6. PS5 is cool, but this year I buying PS4 Pro and the Persona 5 Royal game.
    I can wait till next year, or if they have a game I really want to play, to buy a PS5.

  7. Man of course playstation won, i mean cmon man you can say all you want but seriously deep down everyone knows.
    Besides the Exclusive games things which is of course the biggest part, Xbox just runs sooooo bad, my friends has bought a xbox not even a year ago and it already runs worse than my 3 years old ps4 and he cleans it and stuff. So no matter what xboys fanboys might say thats just facts. And the beginning of Xbox one is also not forgettable, people arguing for Xbox seem to think that it doesnt matter anymore but it does, but even though i say all this i dont really care tbh its not like it affects me what console people choose to buy, im just saying straight facts

  8. already lost my faith with your first reason of more games is better. Id rather have a system with 10 amazing games as opposed to a system with 40 trash games. Not that this is necessarily the case. but the fact that you lead in with this made me lose all belief that your opinions/"numbers" are valid

  9. Those dumb fks who said they were still waiting for him to prove it, how is he supposed exactly ?! He presented statistics what else do u need ?! It’s obvious who will win like always it’ll be Sony, much better games out there for ps series and as a pc gamer I think I’ve never be eager to play any of the Microsoft games lol , but just to play Sony’s game I buy that console

  10. There arent any losers or winners when all three companies are making money hand over fist. Most Sony exclusives are all coming to PC. Xbox is already doing it. Nintendo is starting to work with PC evident by the witcher 3 cross saves. This last generation Sony definitely had the better exclusives but Exclusive = less money. Shareholders are going to force out exclusives in the name of profits. Which is arguably better for all developers. More money = better funding = better games unless you're Blizzard or EA

  11. Quit putting out misleading information if anyone in their right mind had the intelligence to look up correct information you would know that Xbox series x will be more powerful at a bigger price. But even at that they both will be powerful. But you sir are a fraud with the information you’re giving people it’s misleading and nothing hasn’t even been confirmed so you can’t prove anything except you pulling this ? out of the toilet. Once again you just show that your a whinny fanboy.

  12. This dude is a ps4 player 100% you dont get to say which is better until you play both of the new consoles until then shut up and stop being quick to decide

  13. Xbox is known for its multiplayer and some independent/solo games and playstation was known for solo offline games with very little interesting multiplayer but it has changed to have good games in both categories and nintendo switch isnt more popular than P.S or xbox it is in its own category it is apart of the less focused on 18+ gamers but there are people of those ages playing it xbox and ps have games with more intense immersive games in my oppinion

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