Marja在新补丁中完全被淘汰! |勇士竞技场

Marja在最新的《 Valor竞技场》补丁中获得了INSANE迷!她现在是中路最好的法师之一,我想说她目前仅次于拉兹。我极力推荐她参加独奏,因为在车道或团队战斗中,她并没有遇到很多英雄。有了这个版本,您的终极将在后期游戏中造成疯狂的伤害,并且如果您正确使用Marja,您将获得额外的AOE沉默,您将赢得每一次团队战斗。在这个视频中,我不仅会告诉您如何玩Marja,而且还会告诉您她在最新AOV更新中的最佳身材,奥秘和魅力!




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#aov #marja #marjabuild

  1. Hahaha! Hold on! I have to make this comment before I continue watching. You're so funny man! LOL!!! You also play so good even not focusing.

    Learning and entertainment at its finest!

  2. Always nice to see you play, got 5 stars in master, then 5 defeated MVP, veteran I again, master again, defeat MVP again, 0 stars again. I love it

  3. Just for me, i wont tell anyone…
    How many Games does it take to Record this Gameplay? XD
    I lost against you but you were rank 5 on Marja in your Team lol

  4. Lmao just one shoot u. Nice sniper Yorn ?. So marja deal her damage with the ult last hit? I though she deal the damage just spaming the ult. Ty sensei Shurko.

  5. Dude the quality in these vids keeps getting better by the day man good job. Also marja with sprint missed opportunity for the balenciaga jokes

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