
“ Parasite”刚刚获得了奥斯卡最佳影片奖,这是第一部获得奥斯卡最佳影片奖的非英语电影。




  1. watched this movie randomly, had no expectation, but was great, it was funny and the ending made you wonder how things got so out of hand at the end.

  2. Ridiculous choice."Joker" and "1917" will be watched in years to come and "Parasite" is just that – a parasite. But this has been going on for years. "Shakespeare in love" won in 1998 over "Saving private Ryan". In 2013 "12 years a slave" won over "Gravity". In 2005 "Crash" won over "Brokeback Mountain". "2001" wasn't even nominated in 1969. And the list of moronic winners goes on and on. What a joke the Oscars have become and it's getting worse as time goes on. Ya think they would get smarter. Not a chance. All politics. Just like everything else.

  3. You must've prepared all the Best Picture nominees video and then upload it whoever wins. Parasite is one of the most deserving Best Picture winner in about a decade. Amazing!

  4. I read somewhere that 1917 won. So I read other things for awhile. I figured that 1917 would not win Best Picture when it won Best International Film. But when I went back, I was shocked that it won best picture! WTF? Kudos though.

  5. Unfortunatelly i saw so many Anglophones especially Americans in social medias dislike subtitled foreign movies in cinemas sadly and many Europeans such as the Germans, the Frenches, the Italians, the Spaniards, the Hungarians, the Czechs, the Russians prefer to watch dubbed foreign movies sadly while Asian countries like Indonesia, China, South Korea, Malaysia, the Phillipines and many countries in Latin America except Brazil prefer to watch subtitled foreign movies in cinemas. I think dubbing is the most offensive movie translation since it replaces casts' speaking skill with somebody else's voices. It's kinda when you are watching Taylor Swift's concert but instead her voice is replaced by somebody else's voices with your national language. I wish in the future Anglophones should watch more foreign movies and Europeans should stop dubbing except for foreign kindergarten animated medias

  6. Why would they chose this film over everything else? I am not trying to be racist but the Oscars is very much a English award ceremony and for a foreign film to crush all the competition for best deirector, best original screenplay and best picture is just really surprising to me

    (This is my opinion and in no way do I think that it shouldn’t have won or that the movie isn’t as good as the others.)

  7. I didnt know a international movie could win oscar for best picture.

    Loved the movie but I was hoping for joker to win. Nonetheless congratulations to the entire cast of Parasite.

  8. did you have this video made for every single nomination and then just uploaded the winner the same second it was announced??

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