
观看iPhone经过11年的发展历程。从2007年的第一款iPhone彻底改变了手机行业,到2019年的iPhone 11和11 Pro结束。美国最畅销的智能手机有什么用?没有人可以确认。但是看来,iPhone将在未来几年内继续成为智能手机行业的领导者。

音乐:FREE BEAT 2014-Deetunez。

  1. I love how you iPhone fanboys say your camera is the best camera out there. Bruh your camera hasnt changed since the iphone 6 when steve jobs was still alive. Now yall just have to wait for samsung to create something better and you copy it ??

  2. Samsung:Folding phones,and new features!
    Apple:Add cameras and multiply the price by 2(Not changing ANYTHING ELSE)
    iPhone users:We are so much better and more advanced.

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