奥斯卡2020年:布拉德·皮特(Brad Pitt)凭借表演赢得第一座奥斯卡奖


#BradPitt#Oscars2020 #GMADigital #Oscars #GoodMorningAmerica #GMA #ABCNews#代理#SupportingActor。

  1. He certainly deserved an oscar for some other great performances he gave in the past , but under no circumstances for that awfull, awfull film. This was a sympathy oscar and that was the worst movie Tarantino ever made and one of the worst movies in the history of cinema. Only the performance of Leo was exceptional, as always.

  2. ……These degenerates and their AWARDS…didn't this exact same scenario take place 3 weeks ago?….Same guy on stage, same old degenerates in the audience…………….BAAARRRFFFF. What does John Bolton have to do with this retarded crap anyway? Most of his nitwit fans have no idea what he's talking about. Actor / political adviser….give us a break.

  3. I love Brad Pitt but he should know that the investigation, witnesses and hearings are held in the House of Representatives prior to impeachment. The Senates only job is to vote whether or not to convict. If they wanted Bolton, they should’ve included him with the other 18 witnesses in the House trial. The Dems just wanted to make a show and drag this out till Election Day.

  4. Isn't loser Brad Pitt tired of BEAT UP PEOPLE in his roles, repeating the Fight Club? He BEATS UP PEOPLE in this movie "Once Upon A Time In Hollywood" too! He's a no-good speaker who went political larger than his puny brain! Didn't he see the BEST PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, TRUMP shared liar Bolton's video on Twitter and destroyed him forever? Guess blind-brat-Brad "saw" but didn't really "see", the exact opposite of what he claims of himself, "I watch everything!!"

  5. I love how conservatives always say that people in the entertainment industry shouldn't speak on politics whenever an actor, music artist, sports star, etc. is critical of Trump; but it's a completely different story when an entertainer shares their political views. For instance, when Kanye West was going through his MAGA phase, conservatives were vehemently defending Kanye's right to speak about political issues and praising him to the hilt for his "candor" and "intelligence." They were acting like his incoherent, ill-formed ramblings on race and politics were wisdom jewels on par with the writings of Socrates.

  6. Well got to add Brad Pitt to the list of actos I won’t watch anymore. Sad, didn’t have to draw a line in the sand with your bs but you did and I’m on the other side, KAG 2020 MAGA, Mexican for trump!

  7. F*** Brad Pitt and his political point of view , remember this is a person who reads lines for a living that somebody else wrote, your political opinion means nothing, stick to acting or join that Sinking Ship of Fools along with Robert De Niro and Cher

  8. And the AHOLE AWARD GOES TO….Why can't u pious jerks n HoleWood stick to acting!!! If u want to b a political, then GET UR SPOILED BRAT ASS ON A BALLOT!!!!

  9. Really? War hawk Bolton is suddenly every democrats boy now? I know it's still fresh, but are you really still butt hurt about the acquittal? Even if you got Bolton you do realize that it wouldn't have gotten Trump out of office still right? Democrats mishandled this and could have called him in when they had the opportunity to during the many house hearings….Yet they chose to rush the process and wanna now cry about it after the fact. We wanted people too, yet we were denied so suck it up and cry me a river Brad. Hollyweird elitists at their collective worst. SMH.

  10. This Oscar is over due to a fine actor. I think they gave him to him out of sympathy. But it is well deserved and he did marvelous in the movie.

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