

微博|哔哩哔哩|抖音: 口语老炮儿马思瑞
喜马拉雅口语课: Chris的英语之道 (http://xima.tv/S7h9K5) 我跟Danny老师中英文双语带着你了解西方文化、学出一口地道的口语!

#邓紫棋 #英语 #英语口语 #英语发音 #英语分析 .

  1. 我也來吹毛求疵一下XDD
    2:03 右上框框 「英音的/r/幾乎不發音,只有詞尾/r/後面接原因才發」

    然後就是香港人的生活觀察XD 感覺香港是有很多母語者,但我們一般生活,還是能不碰得著。而gem的話,這10年她的混音師都是外國人啊~~~




  2. i'm no SJW but from my experience in this country it seems to me that 'female' would be more accepted than 'woman' or 'girl' as you suggest…

    the whole idea is stupid identity politics ofc, just pointing out my opposite impression than the one you expressed.

  3. I noticed Chinese like to pronounce words with 'ul' as 'ow'..Like culture as 'cow-chure', consultant as 'con-sow-tan'…it's so weird and doesn't even make sense in pinyin.

  4. 你的中文非常好,如果吹毛求疵的话,在说动词,形容词等后面带词的这个音,有一点把二声拖长了,带上了儿话音,这个小问题是需要吹毛求疵才可以找出来。给你中文评分发音4.95分,语法5分,流畅度5分。

  5. This guy is really, really smart. He makes me wish I would have taken language way back in high school and college. In any case, when she said "female", what struck me is she pronounced it more like how an Asian would say it; no offense intended. Anyway, I heard: "femao", and that's what I thought he was going to talk about. However, he makes a good point about saying, "female" instead of woman or girl. But I think it depends a whole lot on the context of its use. I think her saying female was fine in the context she was using it in. Just my two cents I guess.

  6. U are quite an irritant. We come from Asian countries and what do u expect. Don be such an arse. She aldy has that kind of hongkong American accent. It's aldy much better than so many Asians.

  7. Those videos are just come from interview, and you don't know whether they are prepared or not. Maybe there are someone who help to prepare transcripts for them. Who knows it?

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