Ring Fit冒险-我的玩法-Nintendo Switch

任天堂Switch现已推出Ring Fit Adventure!开始进行充满健身的探索,以使用现实生活中的练习击败敌人。有了其他迷你游戏和可自定义的锻炼程序,Ring Fit Adventure对于所有技能水平和时间表的玩家来说都是一个不错的选择。


#NintendoSwitch #RingFitAdventure #Nintendo

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  1. I got this game tonight and to be honest I don't need to lose wight lol but I still got it cause it just looks a lot of fun.
    Did 3 mini games and I love it.

  2. TL;DR: Buy this game!!

    I find most exercise to be, well, boring. Most means of staying fit, for me, has always been the result of some practical outcome like making a living doing physically demanding work or walking/running to a place for some reason. Exercise alone just doesn't do it for me. I've done a number of months playing fitness boxing and while it was good as a rhythm game that worked on my timing and balance (which definitely needed tuning at age 50) it got a bit samey. Along comes Ring Fit Adventure and (BOOM!) ALL of the boxes are getting checked! The ring itself is an impressive device that offers challenge, I'm sure, to the strongest of us out there. The leg strap impresses me with its ability to stay in place without cutting off your circulation. The set up is quick and easy. The game itself is super fun and will leave you sweating and get that heart rate up (and how bloody cool is it that the infrared reader can actually monitor your heart rate?!). I'm only on day 14 (with the occasional day here and there for a break–or because my blood sugar makes exercise a bad idea..I'm a type 1 diabetic, btw) and I love this thing! The engineering of the device itself, the QA, the obviously thousands of hours in study or consultation with many branches in fitness/health sciences, and Nintendo's general ability to make fun games makes this a must-buy! With all that said you should consult your doctor (which they tell you to do, btw, in-game) if you have health challenges to begin with and if you're not generally familiar with body mechanics and the importance of proper stances or positioning you should probably start with an actual trainer.

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