


Nintendo Switch是目前市场上最迷人,最适合家庭使用的游戏机之一。但是,Switch的一大特点是对您的钱包不太友好。出于许多奇怪且看似古老的原因,Switch上的游戏成本往往高于其他平台。

没错,今天TheGamer将深入探讨Switch墨盒如何使游戏更昂贵以及令人恐惧的“ Switch Tax”。

在本视频中,我们将介绍在从卡式盒式游戏机转向基于光盘的游戏式繁琐切换之前,哪些控制台和订阅实际上能为您带来最大的收益。然后,我们将探讨为什么Nintendo Switch游戏有时会更加昂贵,以及游戏行业在未来几年内将如何尝试从您身上获得更多收益。这太麻烦了,所以请准备好学习视频游戏中讨论最少的元素之一。

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  1. I call bullshit on the cartridge capacity. If a microSD card, smaller than a switch cartridge can have 256gigs of space, so can a switch game.

  2. What business do you know that is not shady out there? If you ask me all business are shady even the police and churches in the end it's just business! All you can do is say no! (If you have any will power of your own that is, otherwise just bend over).

  3. You're forgetting about the final fantasy crystal chronicle games exclusively for the game cube and nintendo handhelds that came out way before the DQ game you showed in the video

  4. So many untruths here. Console games are the price they are because of licensing. The console hardware is sold with almost no margin. Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft recoup a profit by licensing the games from publishers. PC games are usually cheaper for this exact reason – there's no official licensing needed to recover the cost of the hardware.

  5. I don't mind paying 59.99 for a premium title that will give me a lot of playtime. These games are far and in between. Most titles look like something i can play on a MAME ROM, which is a little disturbing. i'm not forking out cash for pixelated games, just because some fan says he loves it. I bet i can find the majority of eshops games and play them on my phone or tablet for free.
    If you ever sell your switch, you cannot sell the games you've downloaded. All of the money you spent on games is lost, unless you have a physical copy. Stop downloading games.

    The games i do own are The witcher, Skyrim, Diablo, breath of the wild, stardew valley and a few mario titles for my kids. I am purchasing eastward and then moving on the the latest Xbox once it's released or PS5, not sure.

  6. Interesting video, my Switch is unpatched and I enjoy the entire Switch library of games for free thanks to SX OS custom firmware. Price doesn’t affect me and I couldn’t imagine buying a digital game that I couldn’t back up to my computers hard drive to retrieve for future use.

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