

为什么Greta Gerwig应该赢得最佳导演奖?电影的艺术


如何拍摄“ 1917”,使其看起来像是一枪电影内幕

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  1. The moment the former maid was caught pushing the shelf over using her entire body wedged between the shelf and wall this movie went from 20mph to 120mph for me, personally. I honestly think it's really slow before that, but not in a bad way. It was an excellent turning point.

  2. Cinematography in this film deserves proper recognition. See how the colors change when going down that basement? Same color palette with the Kim's house. Depressing and terryfying. Far from the warm colors of the luxurious Park's interiors.

  3. Im gonna be that one person, i knew watching it, the maid was gonna have to do something with the film. When they showed her walking @ 1:15

  4. The bell ringing transitions the movie and it’s so effortlessly done you don’t even notice it until you see what unfolded because of what responding to it does

  5. I'm going to say something, and when I post this it is probably going to be at the bottom of the comments and never be seen. But hear me out because I can't be the only one thinking/understanding this. But I haven't seen any channels bring it up yet. Ok, so you know how the Kims father now lives in the basement after fleeing the crime?

    Well, if you think about it. This starts an entire chain effect. Let me explain, when the little rich family boy saw the ghost in the basement we can assume the ghost was upstairs in the first place trying to grab a small bite to eat from the fridge. And when the little boy was down there unexpectedly, he basically caught the ghost in the act of grabbing some food.

    Now, remember how the Kims father explains how he has been getting food from the fridge at night? Well, he is literally creating the exact chain effect. Because lets say the Kims father went to go and grab something to eat from the fridge in the middle of the night. And a child from the German family was there unexpectedly, wouldn't it recreate entirely the ghost scene? This time though just with different characters.

    Also, when we see the Kims dad walking up the steps of the basement and to the fridge in the middle of the night. The filming style right there is exactly like the ghost scene. And from here it makes a complete chain effect. Now all that needs to happen is the Kims mother needs to regain the role of the house keeper and she can be the one bringing food to her husband. Just like the past house keeper was doing.

  6. as someone who writes scripts, I assure you, no writer puts that much effort into their script on purpose. it naturally happens and that shows true genius.

  7. Do correct me if I am wrong, but I found one flaw, that night when Da-song was in the tent in the garden, he was sought of decoding the Morse code signals sent by Moon-gwang's husband. He wrote down those Morse code with their decodes. I thought that this is a trigger for some future scene but never used in rest of the movie. Wasn't that scene just unnecessary???

  8. I just realized how the last shot of the movie mirrors the opening shot. It's day vs. night. Hope vs. Anguish. While the first half of the movie focused on the family succeeding, the second half is their demise.

    Also how the rock that the friend gave to the son at the beginning was perceived as a gift by the upper class, yet it's what ended up almost killing him. The friend was totally ignorant of the stone he was casting down onto his lower class friend. Kind of like how the flash flood was "a blessing in diguise" according to Mrs. Park. Even though thousands of people were displaced because of it. EVERYTHING in this movie is symbolic. It's truly a masterpiece. Genius.

  9. What many people fail to notice is that this movie Parasite is basically an homage to the Korean CLASSIC novel, The Dwarf. (aka 난장이가 쏘아올린 작은 공) The book, written in the 80s, is made up of several short stories that have connecting plotlines and characters. The writer in this book speaks up about the gap between the rich and the poor, and by portraying the main character, The Dwarf (in the movie it may be Ki Taek) as a physically disabled man, showing the brutal reality that the poor family has to fight against. This book is a Must-Read for all middle/high school students in Korea and if you read the novel, you will be able to have a broader understanding of Parasite. If you loved the movie, I think its time you read the book as well

  10. Lol . A mediocre at best movie that nobody gave two shits about before the oscar win ; getting it’s ass kissed by everyone because they think it makes them look smart and artsy by calling it a masterpiece. It’s really a predictable , boring movie

  11. I think it's the GREED that is the real parasite…previously they all were unemployed, then the boy got the job ND he introduced his sister. They were getting better but no they wanted more ND more.. And as the parasite finish it's host the GREED finished them all

  12. I am so glad someone pointed out the similarities to Psycho. Psycho is my all time favorite movie and it holds a special place in my heart, as does Parasite. The bond between them and knowing that one inspired the other makes me feel so grateful for film as a universal medium.

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