报告:PS5 SSD比Xbox Series X SSD快100%*?

最近,Xbox Series X原型的图像在线泄漏,露出了控制台的背面及其所有端口。基于我们所看到的,这似乎是我们正在考虑的真实事物,并且最终模型可能看起来像。考虑到这一点,PCGamesN.com上出现了一份新报告,该报告解释说,基于他们在Xbox Series X上看到的端口,菲尼克斯公司前雇员的LinkedIn帖子以及索尼迄今为止对PS5的评价SSD,看来PlayStation 5 SSD可能比Xbox Series X SSD快50%。如果这份报告是准确的,那将是非常大的事情。许多游戏玩家非常关注原始功率,gpu,cpu和触发器的数量,但是似乎没有太多人关注索尼在其SSD技术上可能拥有巨大优势的事实。我们将拭目以待,看看事实是否如此,我们将不得不看开发人员将如何使用此类SSD处理他们的游戏(尤其是独家产品)。




  1. Be sure to leave the video a LIKE if you enjoyed it or found it informative.

    This report actually has some pretty solid evidence to back up the claim but the person writing up the report does point out things can still change and nothing is official yet. This would be a pretty big deal if it does turn out to be accurate though, the SSDs in these new consoles will play a very big role in separating the new consoles from the old. What are your thoughts on this?

  2. Attention MBG is there's one thing you need to educate yourself before posting videos is what that the new refresh consoles are really capable!! First off xbox one x and the ps4 pro consoles are not unbalanced i suggest asking serious developers ppl that has worked on the hardware not just google the info and so you know xbox one x ram is fast enough look it up my friend.

  3. Holy F*ing hell, this who article was BS and you have no clue how tech works. The 50% is based on crap with no specs that has been releases from Sony or MS. Your ignorance of prototype to production and how manufacturing works just blows my mind. Mix that with how the SSD works just makes me wonder why you are reporting on this. To be fair, not just you, but every other idiot that agrees with this article.

  4. runs on half the speed of sonys ssd ? wtf it not a gpu or cpu
    fast ssd = hot up to 70-90c° and a ssd dose not give you more fps its just loading time nothing else

    no cache = doa
    thoses ssds (ms and sony) will be qlc ( ass slow without a slc/mlc cache)

    @samsung new ssd techmologie on sata 3 "520MB/s SLC-Cached" but "160MB/s QLC"

    ssds new technologie = qlc = slow like 80-160MB/s
    here is a diagram that shows what happens when you run out of cache on a NVMe qlc ssd


    using a ssd as system ram? jesus so they want to writh dead ssd are not made to be writhen all the time thats the way to kill a ssd!
    that ps4 pro thing is wrong pro got 1gb ddr3 ram extra for its system tehy also change other things like
    ps4/s 8gb gddr5, 8 cores at 1.7ghz
    ps4pro 8gb gddr5 +1 gb ddr3, 8 cores at 2.1ghz

    xbo = 8gb ddr3, 8 cores at 1.75ghz
    xbo x = 12gb gddr5, 8 cores at 2.3ghz
    xbos = got a oc xbo gpu (xbo)853mhz -> (xbos)914mhz
    xbox and ps4pro habe bouth more cpu and gpu power but the problem it all game that they have need also to run on base xbo and ps4 hardware

    if you had xbox and ps4pro only games that use it hardwar too it full potential those games would look way better but the only thing pro and x does it getting higher resolution

  5. Well this is all bullshit because Sony themselves said 19x faster than last gen and Microsoft said there’s is 40x faster than last gen. And the Spider-Man loading demo was about 10x faster than last gen

  6. while this is a cool tear down video can the jap bloke explain to me why the hell the ps4 has nearly no cloud storage and it costs money??? While the Xbox one has free, unlimited cloud storage? A friend actually got a refund on a PS4 when he discovered he could only save 100gb in the cloud and he had to pay for PSN for the pleasure. I'd rather wash my eyes with wasabe than have that crap in my home no offence

  7. Ps5 will continue the PS4's dominance!! Xbox might as well just pack it up and do the whole Netflix of gaming thing.leave the consoles to the big boys.

  8. The difference in reliability between the two is likely to be a lot greater than the reduction in load times between the two. Probably a risky move from Sony here with very little pay off !

  9. I think sony already give us huge evidences that the jump to SSD will be huge, with the spiderman demo, and it is very important for big open world games. Mark Cerny is a genius and i have no doubt that the PS5 will be amazing. If the rumor are true and its 499, then i have no doubt that it will be an amazing machine.

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