戒指适合冒险玩家的故事-Nintendo Switch

找出人们对Ring Fit Adventure的看法并立即开始您的旅程!

#NintendoSwitch #RingFitAdventure #Nintendo

在这里了解更多! https://ringfitadventure.nintendo.com/

订阅更多任天堂的乐趣! https://goo.gl/HYYsot

访问Nintendo.com以获得最新信息! http://www.nintendo.com/


  1. Please, I do Ballet and that equipmemt is no better at what dancers do to get a fit body. Ring Fit is just bait for people to buy from Nintendo in hopes that these simple exercises do justice for their sedentary lifestyles. I can do all that for free ans not pay $80.

  2. With this game I’m able to do some exercises in a daily routine, it’s fun and can fit in a crazy routine like mine, or for people that hate gym and gets bored just to think about it (me)

  3. My boyfriend got this for me since I was really excited for this when it was first revealed. He surprised me for Christmas with this and I gotta say, it's just as fun as I had expected! It'll definitely help me get back on my weight loss routine 😀
    I'm sore from the first session already

  4. I actually still want to pick this up. I live in the tropics and with Ring Fit Adventure, I can do most of my exercise in the air conditioning in front of the TV instead of dying outside in the humidity.

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