
奥斯卡颁奖典礼终于在周日在这里举行,综艺节目的马克·马尔金(Marc Malkin)和珍妮尔·莱利(Jenelle Riley)对两个最大的类别(最佳影片和最佳导演)给出了最终的预测。在奥斯卡颁奖典礼上,对“ Parasite”和奉俊镐的热爱会继续吗?还是在金球奖大获全胜后,“ 1917”会获得最高奖项?最终获奖者将在周日揭晓。



  1. I’m so excited that Parasite won both in Best Picture and Director. I cannot wait to watch this. Seems like everyone loved this movie.

  2. 1917 is a great film but if you take away the one shot editing trick, there’s nothing particularly original about it, it’s yet another war movie. Parasite, on the orher hand…

  3. Hello i am Korean and many of us are still amazed and confused at how Parasite is getting so much attention. As much as i'm proud Korean films are starting to be recognized, but this movie is boring?

  4. Who cares? Hollywood movies have been rubbish for at least 10 years. The last hollywood movie that I enjoyed was “Hell or high water”.

  5. Eliminate foreign film award and have a global best picture. Let's be frank, the foreign film award is considered to be a sideshow along with such awards as best costuming.

  6. Hollywood Thug's an perverts
    all deserve a weenie !
    they still can't act an nothing but Reruns Reruns Reruns Reruns Reruns Year after year after year after year after year after year !

  7. ❌Get ready for the morally bankrupt Hollywood people to lecture you on politics when they don’t have a clue. ✝️God Bless America and President Trump ??

  8. TBH, Parasite is overrated. Hell, the Korean film Snowpiercer and Train to Busan were better. 1917 is just meh. The one shot was cool. Saving Private Ryan was better than 1917 imo. Joker had a fantastic solo performance, film was just okay. Once Upon A Time in Hollywood had cool moments, but mas o menos with too much feet scenes. The fact Leo and Brad were cast together was a long awaited moment for me. Irishmen was not as good as Goodfellas, Casino, or Carlito's Way in the mafia genre. Not a great batch of nominees.

  9. I love oscars, i started watching films by watching films nominated in best picture nominees but as time passed by, its kind of frustrating that oscars is voting a film to win best picture based on commercial success or political impact or traditions or whats the biggest AMERICAN film of the year. Why cant they just judge it as film alone and let it be ART. Judge it by directing, performances, script, score, cinematography and overall. Let parasite win not because its the most talk of the town or its a social commentary but because its a MASTERPIECE by countless reasons. Do not ruin films that doesnt deserve to win best picture because are gonna demonitize that movie just like what you did to green book, its not a bad film it just won the oscars thats why people hate it

  10. Predictability 1917 is going win which has a very slim story and not the best recipient to win the top award. Anyhow Oscars need not be exaggerated. It goes by popular opinion.

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