OSCARS 2020预测

颁奖季节来了。这是今年奥斯卡颁奖典礼的我的个人喜好/预测。订阅更多Startastic内容。 Rocko Santana内容。




2020年奥斯卡/奥斯卡金像奖/颁奖季/电影/ 2020年。

  1. Just saw Parasite today…I'll be happy if it wins ANYTHING because of the impact it will have. Also I'm rooting for 1917 for cinematography for obvious reasons lol but would equally be happy with The Lighthouse winning it too! Also…Star Wars for score would actually be cool since they really combined a bunch of people's themes for certain moments to really drive home the point. But I do listen to Joker's Soundtrack while working so…

  2. I think the internet and Twitter are going to be in an uproar because I predict that Parasite will only win for Best International Feature. I would like Parasite to win either Best Picture or Best Director, but I think Parasite is going to be the movie that gets snubbed at this years Oscars.

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