勇敢地默认II –公告预告片– Nintendo Switch

Ningtendo Switch将在2020年为Nintendo Switch带来原始的RPG体验,该团队带来了《勇敢传说》系列和《八度旅人》,并收录了原始《勇敢传说》默认配乐的著名作曲家Revo的音乐。

订阅更多任天堂的乐趣! https://goo.gl/HYYsot

访问Nintendo.com以获得最新信息! http://www.nintendo.com/


  1. "Long ago magic ruled the world! But then during the magic war magic was destroyed. People thought magic was gone forever… but some believed that magic could return!"

  2. Wish Bravely Default and Bravely Second were ported to the Switch, a person can only afford so many systems while keeping up with new games.
    This game has made interested in the games relating to it.

  3. I'm waiting the moment they literally take the II in the title and use it as literal Sword in the end. So the title would be read as Bravely Default Sword

  4. I see where this is going and what the confusion is. So Bravely Second was a direct sequel almost an expansion to the first game. That's why it didn't technically get a number title. Bravely Default II seems to be a brand new story set in the same universe. Which I guess that's why it's getting a number title.

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