
移动传奇2.0 VS勇士竞技场3.0




#ML #AOV #Mobilelegends #arenaofvalor #mobagame。

  1. ML udh bagus tapi , gua tetap lebih suka AOV krna hero nya keren² dan juga unik² contoh kya Florentino skill² nya keren n unik bgt . Veres juga skill² nya unik bgt . D'arcy yg bisa ngebalikin musuh pke Dimensionalnya . Enzo yg bisa banting musuh pke rantai skill 2 . Nakroth yg bisa parkour . Murad yg harus dpt stack biar bisa make Ultinya . Liliana yg bisa berubah jdi kyubi …. BTW Temporal Turbulance Ultinya Murad di copy sama Moonton tuh skill 2 Lancelot

  2. Maaf aja, saya mainin KOG, Omyoji Arena, War Song, Ace Arena, Extraordinary One, AOV, ML, dll.
    Dari semua itu… (maaf aja), AOV itu lebih realistik, jelas menang soal kualitas Grafik dan Design Character. Hero2 lebih Sangar, kekar, Gagah, keren, dan berwibawa (terutama Arthur). Dan Heroinenya lebih lembut, detail, cakep, cantik dan sekseh… pssst,,,, (Oppai mereka banyak yg gedhe).
    Kalo ML, masih terkesan Kartun, bocah, dan kaku. masih kurang realistik, masih kurang detail, masih kurang kreatif, masih kurang elit, masih kurang sultan, masih kurang greget, dll.
    Anyway, have fun aja.. semua cuma permainan. Dan masih ada game yg lebih baik dari dua-duanya, yaitu King Of Glory, sekarang uda ada versi bahasa Inggrisnya. Keren abis pokoknya.

  3. so first, 8:20 look at.the diffrence
    okay second, in ml every skin ends with the basic voiceline for every skin and that is lame! in aov a good skin that you pay for usually has a whole new asset of voice cover and sound effects, aswell as aov is so much more realistic in its artstyle, but i wouldnt blame ml as a bad game, worse yes but bad no

  4. Some epic skin in ML is just unacceptable with the price they put, for ex: the epic skin which cost about 300-400 per skin but what you get isn't really worth that price.. Lightborn set is only one that i think is best with the price they put…well if you play both game then you'll surely understand the difference..but all in all both game have their own benefits. ML looks more lively with their interface and there's more player from SEA, even Aov have great graphics, their community in SEA isn't that much but it's still not a dead game as i can still queue in 5 seconds.. But yes community in ML is way larger…

  5. You didnt talk about the most part of the game which make it which is the team pick at aov if your team is bad / troll or afk you dont lose star but also u gain star while look mobile legend ? also when u go ranked only queue with who is at same rank not lower ??‍♂️

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