尤瓦尔·诺亚·哈拉里(Yuval Noah Harari):“面向21世纪的21课” Google会谈

宏观历史学家尤瓦尔·诺亚·哈拉里(Yuval Noah Harari),教授,《智人》和《人类志》的畅销书,世界上最具创新力和令人兴奋的思想家之一,讨论了他的最新著作《 21世纪的21个教训》。

被描述为在当今最紧迫的问题上进行的“真正的思想扩展”之旅,“ 21世纪的21个教训”提醒我们在令人眼花and乱的变化中保持我们的集体注意力。

由威尔逊·怀特(Wilson White)主持。


访问Yuval Noah Harari的YouTube频道:https://www.youtube.com/user/YuvalNoahHarari。

  1. 31:25 I don't get it. A rock can not suffer. Anything that doesn't have consciousness can not suffer. To say that something is not a reality because it doesn't have consciousness must be a logical fallacy.

  2. “You can build either paradise or hell…” But because ownership of those technologies will be centralized (as corporations tend to monopolize) they will be used to build “hell”. Large centralized systems always get corrupted. Always. The strength of humanism is not that it’s “smarter”. It’s that it is inherently more decentralized and distributed. (Partially because of inherent “randomness” due to genetic, geographic differences between people, different traditions, etc.).

  3. Дорогой Юваль , только закончили коллективное чтение вашей книги и один из больных ( перед выпиской ) рассказал что машина времени над которой он работал до лечения почти готова. Вам, как историку, будет особенно интересно воспользоваться случаем и убедится во всём лично, заглянув в прошлое.

  4. I need to read Alain de Botton and Graham Harman now. So what do you want to say…Government or any international organisation will hack the human system and create anarchy in the world. Everything has a purpose Yuval. Human lost their track 4000 thousand years ago. Today all of the error, misery and nuisance are man-made. That is not real. This is phenomenal. Mass education, self-realization is the way to attain peace internally and externally. Human is a rational identity of the self which is a construct of consciousness. This is an inner journey. We are here to evolve with natural evolution. We can't make the truth. We are here to understand the truth. Ask them not to try to be superior with artificial intelligence like a terrorist group. Superiority comes from the essence of intelligence. Playing with harmony defines how your energy system fine-tuned with universal frequency. We are cosmic being. I would recommend you to read "Cosmjc Intelligence" by Alice A. Bailey and D.K.

  5. YNH sounds like an old school western communist. He can't get out of the loop of anti-america thinking, especially his political enemies who vote for Trump (or whoever replaces him as running Rep. at 2024). Meanwhile, USA is the country that reduced the most CO2 emissions in 2019, to bring just one example. He can't see that. I wouldn't want someone so obsessive with hate to be the guiding thought of humanity's future.

  6. 55:28 Yuval is spot-on about the trick that the media / countries use nowadays to manipulate people to hate and discriminate against another race/country.

  7. Key Ideas from the talk.
    3:08 Most important things to emphasize in education are Emotional intelligence and mental stability.
    3:30 Kids need to reinvent themselves repeatedly because of rapid change.
    4:15 Build identities like tents.
    5:32 The old political and economic models assume that ultimate authority is the free choice of individuals.
    6:58 Free will is not a scientific reality.
    9:10 Govts and Corporations will have privileged access to your brain.
    They can understand you better than you.
    11:30 Humans will no longer be black boxes.
    12:25 AI becomes revolutionary only with the help of AI
    15:02 Technology isn't deterministic
    18:50 Religions and God
    21:45 Religion vs. spirituality (Religion is about definite answers. Spirituality is a quest for questions.)
    23:00 Engineers are forced to think about philosophy
    26:42 The role of fiction in organizing ourselves. (Even economies and corporations are basically a story)
    30:30 Reality exists. If an entity can suffer then it is real.
    33:00 Fiction doesn't mean it's bad or unimportant
    34:30 Exciting ree news model creates fake news.

  8. This guy is so full of shit. I thought intelligent people were way past glib cliche ridden pseudo religious pseudo aphoristic pseudo psychological chat.

  9. 4:02 “If previously, if traditionally people build identities like stone houses with very deep foundations now it makes more sense to build identities like tents that you can fold and move elsewhere.”

    Sounds like a perfect recipe for an explosion of mental illness.. “reinventing yourself/identity fluidity”. Harari’s vision describes what seems to be a pretty dismal future of economic precarity—moving our tent of identity around like beleaguered refugees.. would like to see him and Zizek debate about this.

  10. He doesn't have the answer to the question the young woman raised about "knowing yourself". He doesn't understand the scientific description of emotional intelligence.

  11. His self driving car example excludes the idea that the manufacturer, and possibly the engineers responsible, will be held liable for the damage done by the car. Even a suicidal person would be liable for sleeping behind the wheel. This conundrum points to the stupidity of operating self driving vehicles on infrastructure that is chock full of risks to which we grown inured (risk homeostasis). However, it also fails to comprehend that, in technology corporations. the engineers are solving mechanical problems, not ethical or moral questions.

  12. He doesn't understand the mix of technological specialization involved in developing a product like Google, or MRI or iPhone. He describes engineers incorrectly.

  13. I clicked that I disliked the video. I don't dislike the video. The unquestioned premises made by Harari make me question the intent of the producers, for they weaken his credibility.

  14. your few things are very right like in coming age we need more mental stability and flexibility towards change and you said spirituality has questions and religions have answers bat at the same time you referred that God may be a fake story or an identity like google. i don't know how people of other religions like Christians, Hindus and Jews may react on it but as Muslims we have very clarity about Allah Almighty and in our holly book Quran characteristic of Allah has been defined like He is the First , he is the Last , He is creator , He is originator , He is ever living , … can you believe that any person can imagine anything like that which he have never seen, but is the Guide and he guide the human through his Messengers and Books'.

  15. so they have made him famous – this scientisim is in style – he does not consider the most important variables in the human soup, he will soon be outdated and even now by Sadhugur

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