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Outlaw Rogue 8.0.1 PvE BFA指南:

Outlaw Rogue 8.0.1 PvP BFA指南:

暗杀流氓8.0.1 PvP BFA指南:


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  1. 1500+ io Score warri no main team know every Dungeon realy good make good dps ! i have done +16 in time. in session 4 dont get invitet for a +10 because the trash Community only want meta shit and 2k Rio score Lmfao. Funy fact i can also keep up wiht 2 k players in dps and also know all stuff like who need to get kickt,stunt .focus! But its just annoying to play the game ! See ya maby in the next addon .And i know the stupit answers from you so pls saves your time and try to shit talk by ohter players

  2. If you "play what you like" you wont even be invited to high keys, so thats bad argument. Yes, +15 CAN be done in every spec, but people just wont invite you because of "you're bad" psychology, so as long as you dont have your pack of friends, dont go with shit specs.

  3. What im playing
    Bear tank 450 il
    Arcane mage 445il (60k overall consistent)
    Dh (for pvp) damage is awful cept in aoe i think they are way to hyped for what little they do.

  4. How is feral? Also why so many classes with leather? I feel like feral is at the bottom from the leather wears dps because dh,monks,rogues are more wanted for mythics and everything else. Mean while no one really wants feral 🙁

  5. Ughhh i hate rogues and warriors in low keys, 80% is just people trying the meta, rogues that go invis and hope nobody notice that they getting carry not doing damage and warriors ninja pulling just for the deeps ? never pick them

  6. You're being unfair to rshaman. Glitter paladin is also designed to heal larger groups than 5 man yet you're not considering that lost value, plus the spells that actually heal more than 5 people from shaman are cooldowns which all healers have to stabilize a large group.

  7. I play balance in raid but play Guardian in keys. It’s feels really good and the utility it brings is so much better than just thunderclapping as warrior. And Druid skales good with big pulls. And it’s feels like the best tank for the new affix (dispels/physical reduction/move the group with roar)

  8. You keep talking about the classes, but only really showing gameplay for them doing stuff for quests, and training dummies. Show actual game play for them in mythic+

  9. just an idea, I personally would love if you did a outlaw RAID spec guide with talents/horrors/azerite to show the difference compared to typical mythic plus outlaw. Have you been raiding as outlaw and found it viable? I know guys that were pushing mythic last patch clearly have an advantage this patch and do much larger numbers than most people.

  10. It's not been very enjoyable to play as a Affliction lock compared to other specs in the game. Yes, Affliction can be very good for certain raid bosses and to some extent pvp, but people will avoid them as a plague when it comes to Mythic+..

  11. People be like: "Oh, but you can play whatever you want for high keys for M+. No, not that one. Especially not Affliction Warlock"

    Gets kicked out of the group for playing lock

  12. "Shamans have heals for 5+ people" – The totem and healing rain are the weakest heals. What you use is chainheal which is 4 targets max. Meanwhile druids have tranquility which is actually a strong raidwide heal, lifebloom is aoe heal. Palas only multitarget heal is AoE. Monks have raidwide heal, and their only multitarget heal is AoE. So no, completely wrong argument.
    Shamans are a bit behind only because they dont have low cd external for tank, which is not needed until very high keys.

  13. BfA have been for me the hardest expansion to return in, even with 120 and a 110 boost, dont know why, might be that it just overwhelming overal, and i for sure do not a boosted 120 mage, play it in m+ D or Pvp, arena, and find out it is not for me. My Prot/fury Warrior feels meh, my Elemental shaman feels ok, but not my playstyle and not at all my class fantasy. Im going to try out shadow priest but i do not like holy, not sure how disc is, so one spec with my likeable playstyle and fantasy. Druid,dK,warlock for sure, but way to hard to choose and starting in patch 8.3 its just frustrating. And how gear and thing is, i got limited time playing so one spec for me yay. Hmmm. Ty for the videos.

  14. So far according to Raider IO, the best DPS for all keys are Demon Hunter by by a mile, Fury Warrior and Beast Master hunter in a neck and neck race, then Outlaw Rogue.

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