超级马里奥创客2-传奇更新-Nintendo Switch

超级马里奥创客2游戏获得了传奇般的更新。 12月5日,针对Nintendo Switch系统的Super Mario Maker 2进行了免费更新,增加了《塞尔达传说》系列的链接,作为可玩角色,新课程部件和新游戏模式。

•下载版本后。 2.0.0更新后,新的“ Master Sword”项目将只能以8位Super Mario Bros.风格使用。当这个新的路线部分被拾取后,马里奥将转变为林克(Link),并配备了一套新的动作,例如用剑攻击,射击箭和投下炸弹。

•在最近推出的《塞尔达传说》中:Link的Nintendo Switch觉醒游戏中,Link遇到了超级马里奥游戏中熟悉的角色,例如食人鱼植物和古姆巴斯,但这次Link正在Super Mario Maker 2中加入超级马里奥游戏!


•除了链接之外,更新还增加了更多的路线部分和敌人,以及新的Ninji Speedruns模式,非常适合寻求挑战的玩家。

•仪表板块:仪表板块课程零件具有Super Mario 3D世界风格,可在踩踏时为Mario带来重大的速度爆发。




•Pokey:来自多个Super Mario游戏的标志性仙人掌堆叠首次加入了Super Mario Maker 2。玩家甚至可以编辑每个Pokey的高度。

•在新的Ninji Speedruns模式中,玩家可以在Nintendo专门为此模式创建的课程中接受定时挑战。其他玩家的Ninji Ghosts将与来自世界各地的竞争对手竞争,与玩家并肩作战。出现的Ninji Ghost是从玩家数据中以相似的性能水平选择的,因此玩家可以与其他玩家的Ninji Ghosts一起运行课程,从而逐渐提高自己的表现。玩家还可以通过清除课程来收集邮票,并在游戏中兑换它们以获得特殊的Mii服装。

•每个Ninji Speedrun活动将持续约一周,并定期分发新课程。在比赛期间,将根据他们在该课程中的上场时间对其排名。即使活动期结束,玩家仍然可以与Ninji Ghosts一起运行课程并收集邮票。

#SuperMarioMaker2 #NintendoSwitch

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  1. I have idea for Mario maker 2
    New characters :Kirby , wario , v
    New game style : Mario galaxy 2 , Mario 64
    New power : ups ice flower , Leaf , mega mushroom

  2. Hola otra vez Nintendo. Soy Matias, me gusta ver videos de YouTubers de Mario maker 2 pero me gustaría ver una actualización que involucre a kirby. Gracias por la tarde. (Otra vez) #creo que ya van 3 veces que le pido tiempo.

  3. Hello Nintendo. I have played a lot of mario games and I see objects and enemies that are not in SMM2 (Super Mario Maker 2). So, can you please add these to the game or if not then add them for another update:

    1. Red ring
    2. P ring (blue)
    3. Green ring
    4. P (blue coins)
    5. Red coins and green coins
    6. Question (orange) switch
    7. Triple question block
    8. Boomerang Flower
    9. Ice Flower
    10. Double Cherry
    11. Tower Level Terrain
    12. Vertical direction on main area on level
    13. On/off blocks on Mario 3D World
    14. Hammer Suit on other game genres
    15. Mega Mushroom on Mario Bros U
    16. Penguin Suit
    17. Yellow Cheep Cheeps
    18. Purple Spiky Cheep Cheeps
    19. Clams
    20. Lucky Bell on Mario 3D World
    21. Mini Mushroom
    22. Ice bro
    23. Different Colored Shells for Koopas
    24. Koopalings
    25. Super Acorn
    26. Super Clown
    27. Super Carrot
    28. Length setting for Fire
    29. Screw platforms and mushroom platforms
    30. Orange Snake Block
    31. Add/remove lava, water, quicksand, or poison setting
    32. Star coins Mario Bros U
    33. Green Stars (Mario 3D World)
    34. Hills
    35. Semi Solid Slopes
    36. More directions on clear pipes
    37. Cat Goombas
    38. Bigger Crates
    39. Gold ring
    40. Clear pipe cannon 3D World
    41. Green star ring 3D World
    42. Bowser on Mario 3D World
    43. Moving Blocks/Semi Solids/Mushroom platforms
    44. Moving Hills
    45. Green and blue Timer item (adds time)
    46. Purple pipes
    47. Pink pipes
    48. Tilting setting for pipes
    49. Yoshi Coins ( Mario World)
    50. Fake star coins
    51. Fake doors
    52. Invisible coins
    53. Invisible pipes
    54. Parakoopa circle
    55. Signs
    56. Day/Night setting for Mario 3D World
    57. Spike Rod
    58. Spike Balls that don't break when bumped to a wall, block or pipe or another spike ball
    59. Stack Power ups on enemies
    60. Pipe canon setting
    61. More than 1 sub area
    62. Seesaw on Mario 3D World
    63. More mario game genres (make 2 more)
    64. Different colored pipes
    65. Secret endings
    66. Dry Buzzy Beetle
    67. Spinning spiky pendulums
    68. Different Boo circle animation
    69. More time with timer more than 500
    70. Disabled door (usually gray)
    71. Once exiting a pipe, make a setting to the pipe so that you can't go back to that pipe you exited
    72. More players
    73. Mini pipes
    71. Fire bro on all genres
    72. Boomerang Bro
    73. Blaze Bro (bigger fire bro)
    74. Bigger boomerang bro
    75. Underwater: current pipes
    76. Other terrains: wind pipes
    77. Item slots
    78. Other mushroom platforms
    79. Boss Door
    80. Longer Donut Platforms
    81. Blue (Ice) donut platforms
    81. Ice ground
    82. Deadly Smoke
    83. Birdo
    84. Boss Rooms
    85. Mountain Level Terrain
    86. Monty Moles coming out of semi solid platforms
    87. Different Colored Yoshis
    88. Spikes
    89. Whirlpool
    90. Tracks on Mario 3D World
    91. Electric Ball enemy
    92. Poison Mushroom (day)
    93. Pumpkin Goombas
    94. Bats
    95. Dark main and/or sub areas
    96. Super Moon (gives 3 lives)
    97. Fruits on bushes
    98. Cheep Chomp
    99. Porcupuffer (Mario bros U)
    100. Ferris Wheel
    101. More Music
    102. Bonus area Level Terrain
    103. Underwater: Coins in Bubbles
    104. Uncarryable P Switches
    103. Beach Level Terrain
    104. Desert: Sand Geyser
    105. Water Geyser
    106. Lava Geyser/Poison Geyser
    107. Fake Platforms
    108. Clouds
    109. Rotating object setting
    110. Vertical AutoScroll
    111. Banzai Bill Launcher
    112. Stones
    113. P Acorn
    114. Ability to overlap blocks
    115. Waterfalls
    116. Invisible tracks
    117. When putting 1 coin each in a block makes 1 coin each when hit, limit of 10 coins in a block

    Please make these.

  4. You need to add:
    New Enemies: Mega Cheep Cheep, Fuzzy, dry bone piranha plant, and a spike spitting piranha plant.
    New Platforms: Auto rotatable platforms, lightable platforms, and the flying shells (like from the Wii version of super mario)
    New Dangers: Quicksand and Whirlpools in the beach theme.
    New Themes: Volcano, and Beach.
    Night Mode: Make Green Cheep Cheeps into purple cheep cheeps.
    New Specials: Clams that hide stuff inside (you get them when they open their mouths).
    You should also consider making pipes sound in underwater more like the one in SMB 2

  5. Can you make an update that allows master sword and other Mario bros power ups to become compatible in the other game styles? In 3D world style or new super Mario bros U game style he will become link from the links awakening for Nintendo switch. (2019 version)

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