2020年奥斯卡提名:冷酷,惊喜和预测-The Outlaw Nation LIVEstream

2020年奥斯卡金像奖提名已于今天早上宣布!亡命徒约翰·罗查(John Rocha)热爱奥斯卡颁奖典礼,并坐在这里讨论特别节目《亡命之徒》国家LIVEstream对今年获胜者的冷落,惊喜和他的预测。您最高兴看到什么?谁是您最激怒的冷门?您很高兴看到哪个提名人被学院认可? 《 Outlaw》并不是一个自称为“奖项专家”的人,但是他在第一届奥斯卡颁奖典礼上就在那儿,所以他对这些奖项一无所知!他来这里是为了向您推荐所有提名人的真实想法!

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  1. Rocha, I saw how upset you were at the draft. You're overthinking it, man. You, Dan, Ben, and Reilly are ALL first round picks. It doesn't matter if you went first or if Dan went second. It's all irrelevant. I'm sure Dagnino was respecting the Singles belt and it just happened to fall in that order and therefore Reilly had to go second since they're teammates. You were all protected so the order is a non-issue. Don't sweat it. Outlaw forever.

  2. The fuck man! I just got an ad about why God wants me to wait to get married to have sex. I’m sure it’s not your fault, but fuck that (pardon the pun).

  3. A friend of my didn't wanted to join me in going to Knives Out when he heard that it was made by the director of The Last Jedi and I've heard that happening more.

  4. All we want to know is how to destroy this fraudulent Academy. And it's one hundred years of anti-American film subversion and propaganda conversion. Like I said dude, one thing to make a profit it's another then starts funding subverted messaging. If all movies are propaganda then political ties make you guilty. And unfortunately all of these movies and all of their financing somehow ended up connecting to a bunch of human trafficking exploitation. Not from adult entertainers I might add, but normal up-and-comers actors and actresses from the theaters no less. With no interest in adult entertainment, so we get the stories of blackmail and Leverage and forcing girls to not do things until we get to the nineties where you've done it for so long that the industry forces people to do this just to get a break? Yeah, burning Effigy and the Oscar can become the crucifix. You thought this was about just Avengers endgame? No man that was the last chance

  5. Nobody cares what's going down. They took the 11 nominations of endgame and give them to Joker for no reason. The same way they dis George Lucas and gave b***** Awards the Lord of the Rings. They need to keep funding the projects that fund their criminal and finance terrorist operations including offshore accounts. We know dude

  6. Now that Fox Searchlight is taking off in Disney's expanding, Warner Brothers can't hide their Monopoly any longer. So they own the distribution the studio the critics and the outlets who are then used twice as critics and fraudulent consumers purchasing tickets. Wow what a scam. It's not a money maker it's a money drainer. Like one giant Ponzi scheme. And like a RICO case a lot of people are connected.

  7. Nobody cares Rocha. We all know the academy is a farce. They're a bigot Academy created by Confederates and embolden by Nazis in the 50s and all the way up until now. Everything makes sense. Why veterans are treated like s*** and people I Weinstein move up and why World War II veterans don't get memorials until they die. Because the Motion Pictures you guys push or absolute trash and anti-American. This is so worst That America produces and there are antitrust laws for false advertising and as well as fraud. Ben Weinstein is already done and he probably just wants to be left alone and we will leave him in solitary when he tells us who else has been doing this b*******. Same as the madam for Epstein. Dude this was bigger than you since the get-go and a long time ago. It's been due. It's been due.

  8. Hoping you could clarify the nomination process. I understand Academy members vote to select the nominees. As low voter turnout statistics are a norm for most political elections, is the same true for Oscar nominations? Is this a statistic that is even known? Does the Academy have any rules regrading the ratio between eligible voting members vs. the number of actual voters in determining if a fair share of votes were received in determining nominees? I'm just curious if what appears like obvious snubs are more related to apathetic voters assuming others will nominate those individuals/films. Thank you.

  9. I'm so happy Ford v Ferrari got in for best picture! Like you said though, I wish he got in for Best Actor over Pryce or Banderas. And I think that John Williams' use of Rey's Theme got him the nomination. Love what he did with that.

  10. I am guessing 1917 will win best picture, but would love if JoJo Rabbit could win. Great that you are back on the interwebs and glad to see that your subs keep rising.

  11. Avengers got snubbed big time for me, I was really hoping for a best director nomination for the Russo's cus the job they did managing that many characters and a story involving time travel!?

  12. So glad to see this. I Saw Campea did something.. I will watch FYC maybe…… haha… Thanks John your take will be the best. Especially your Joy or Extreme dismay if the Ladies and Latinos take a hit…… Oh no.

  13. Bad year for Critics. The two most deeply beloved movies (Jojo & Joker) are now two of the worst-reviewed best picture nominees ever.

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