三月份的海军蓝iPhone 12 Pro和iPhone SE 2?

最新传闻认为,下一个iPhone 12 Pro颜色可能是“午夜蓝”,而iPhone SE 2可能会在三月份上市。苹果正在研究背光…。

  1. Stop ? ✋? ?! The very first date I took my wife was there in Atlanta. You know, just in case it went south, there would be other forms of entertainment. ? ?

  2. He a hater lol let ppl get them different colors rather a case or not. He always make it sound like ppl are stupid for liking an idea he doesn’t. BEFORE THE FANS ATTACK ME THIS POPPED UP AS SUGGESTED AND I LOVE MY IPHONE 11 pro so I took a listen.

  3. Blue is my fav color so I’ll get it. Then I’ll slap a carbon fiber case on it and forget it’s blue except for the blue that peeks through the camera lens opening.

  4. Nice Video Brian! But on the new keyboard from Apple seems like a bad joke! I’m now testing the Brydge Pro 11" vs the Zagg SlimGo and tried the Logitech FolioPro too and my wife and I both prefer the keyboard experience on the Brydge but it’s magnetic protection on the backside is a joke there’s no protection Brydge should make it slightly bulkier protecting all 4 corners as an option for those who wants protection!!!
    Apple should copie off of these third parties. But the Doqo 7in1 Smart-Dock Aluminium Keyboard Case is Brydge’s ultimate rival!! Apple very attempt to play catch-up in the keyboard category is pathetic!!
    Check Doqo here… https://youtu.be/Mwb7Pbqp7Z4

  5. Hey you can call the iPhone SE2 the iPhone 8 Pro or 8se or just
    iPhone pro or iPhone 8S. Logically it’s a 9. But maybe Apple wants to continue making an affordable model that’s still less then a X. Then they will need several names that are less then an X.

  6. The keyboard need to have a touch pad. I’m disappointed in Apple for Samsung is having me look into there products. Come on Apple.

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