4位顶级专家对Gutsy Oscar的预测:谁将赢得最佳男演员奖?


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金德比(Gold Derby)提供名人视频以及专家预测。谁将赢得奥斯卡,艾美奖,格莱美奖,托尼斯奖,金球奖奖以及顶级电视真人秀节目“美国偶像”,“配音”,“幸存者”,“惊人的种族”,“与星共舞”等等。 。

  1. Without seeing this video, 1st of all 1917 is a piece of shit, its a special effects to scare todays audience, ww1 deserves respect, Mendes movie is not deserving of a nomination, he grab elements used before, horror to scare, but it does not carry the film over and he broke number 1 rule of Cinema, the handling of camera makes audience dizzy, Big Wrong!!!

  2. Totally hypocritical views on movies roles, One white guy gotten nominated for a musical another black guy didn’t even get a nod

  3. The woman on the panel is ridiculous in her prejudice against Joaquin Phoenix. He was stunningly brilliant in his performance in Joker, and no one else even comes close to him. Adam Driver in Marriage Story had a couple compelling scenes, but nothing more……..it was a so-so movie. So…….it’s totally subjective and these folks are no more likely to predict the winners, than the general public, in my opinion.

  4. Just saw nominations, Kathy bates is nominated best supporting actress…Awkwafina NOT nominated…..nor Jennifer Lopez….nor tarn Edgerton or Robert De Niro I don’t think, might be wrong on the last one….oh and Scarlett Johansen has two acting nominations

  5. Possible upsets I think could happen they missed.. Awkwafina best actress, Florence Pugh best supporting. I love Saoirse but I can see how her performance doesn't quite much up like the others.

  6. For god sakes, the man's name is Kang-ho Song. It's not that hard to remember. He's a big star overseas and he gave a brilliant performance. Write it in the palm of your hand or something. And if Russell Crowe can win an Oscar, so can any other "bad boy".

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