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#Joker #AcademyAwards#奥斯卡#JaoquinPhoenix#电影#DCEU #DCComics#2020奥斯卡#OscarPredictions。

  1. Not only was Joker a great movie. It was so well done that it will become a film that is remembered and celebrated for decades to come. It will become a shining example of great acting, story writing, and production, much like Taxi Driver.

  2. No one cares about the political opinions of Hollywood except the Hollywood elite. If they're that passionate about the government and the system, why not take up a career in politics instead? That's how you make an actual impact rather than whining about it on stage when you "win" an award.

  3. My predictions: Joker wins either one big category & nothing else or no big category & several minor ones.
    Once upon a time in Hollywood wins 2 of the major awards.
    surprise movie wins best picture, just like last year. (1917, or they go nuts and give it to little women.u know why)
    Tons of political speeches.

    No-one watches & the whole show is completely useless anyway & forgotten 1 week later.

  4. Considering it got the most nominations, wonder how strong of a chance it has at getting the best picture win. If it has all these strengths over so many other. then it makes sense that together it would make it the best

  5. In the movies 10 Years a Slave and the Passion of the Christ, the main characters are mercilessly beaten and abused. Why is it offensive when that happens in this movie. Is it because the Joker doesn’t just take it? Why isn’t anybody speaking out against the abuse depicted in the movie?

  6. It’s funny . Its a good movie I thought . I don’t consider it to be one of the best of the year though but that’s just my opinion. I couldn’t care less either way this is the same academy that nominated the blindside for best picture and crash actually won best picture.

    Imagine if captain marvel got a best picture nomination how certain people would have reacted ? There is hypocrisy on both sides

  7. I'm seeing negativity for the Joker nominations all over Twitter and You tube. Mostly from SJWs, and Marvel die hards.

  8. Haven't seen Missing Link either, but everyone who has seen it said it was really good. I do plan to check it out soon, that and Kubo 2 strings heard that was good too

  9. Joker is not a very good movie. I might be able to give it a pass if it was an origin story leading to something more substantive. But it was a one-off movie and it was boring and pretentious. It seems Hollywood has finally cracked the code on getting nerd-rage to side with them. You are all being conned.

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