奥斯卡预言失败:威尔' 1917'或'寄生虫'赢得最佳影片? |金德比

观看Gold Derby编辑出现在最大的Oscar悬念中:’1917’或’Parasite’是否会成为最佳图片?观看汤姆·奥尼尔·克里斯·比奇坎姆,乔伊斯·英格,丹尼尔·蒙哥马利和苏珊·沃洛兹奇纳(Susan Wloszczyna)热情洋溢的分析,他们也对《爱尔兰人》,《好莱坞时光》和《乔乔·兔子》寄予厚望。

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金德比(Gold Derby)提供名人视频以及专家预测。谁将赢得奥斯卡,艾美奖,格莱美奖,托尼斯奖,金球奖奖以及顶级电视真人秀节目“美国偶像”,“配音”,“幸存者”,“惊人的种族”,“与星共舞”等等。 。

  1. 1917 will win Best Picture and Best Director. (PGA, Golden Globe, DGA and BAFTA wins for Best Picture and Best Director.

    Parasite will take home Best Foreign FIlm and Best Screenplay.

    Critics do NOT get to vote in the Oscars.

  2. I'm one of the ones who likes Ford v Ferrari a lot and would pick Jojo first. Parasite to me was interesting and unique but didn't move me or make me feel anything therefore I would rank Jojo first, 1917 second and Ford v Ferrari 3rd. Parasite and OUATIH 5th and 6th. And I'm a young non straight male soo it's cool how movie's make an impact differently to many people. Go Jojo Rabbit!

  3. Parasite is the high quality film that will stand up to the test of time. It's time to honor a foreign and Asian film. The other films are good but not in the same level as Parasite.

  4. If 1917 win directer and bestpicture. Oscar is still no fun.But if parasite win all or bestpicture category…Oscar is very funny in good and impressived in history. Parasite makes Oscar level higher. 1917 is great movie. But This movie has cinematograph influence and One hit story. On the other hand Parasite has directer bong's great skill and powerful lingering imagery. Plus mixed genre. Parasite deserve it.
    Academy already gave Sam mendes honor and oscars.
    I hope oscar give it to bong this
    Make history! Oscar!

  5. Tom, why do you constantly give Daniel such a hard time, bordering on disrespect. I ask this question as a long-time viewer of Gold Derby. If you question the question, go back through your smackdown videos just over the past 2-3 years, and the dismissals, put downs, etc., are all there.

  6. Susan: Joker was very much “of this time” and was groundbreaking in the way it addressed mental health and how society’s most vulnerable people can fall through the cracks if society ignores them. It holds a mirror up to society, up to bullies, which is why there has been some backlash. Some People don’t want to see how awful they really are. Joker also shines a light on the price of poverty (he couldn’t afford his meds). Listen, Parasite was good but it wasn’t all that people are making it out to be. No movie has moved me and millions of others like Joker has, it has especially reached deeply into the hearts of those who’ve suffered with PTSD or depression, like my daughter. Very current and timely given it is Bell Let’s Talk happening this week and the fact that it was released Oct 4 during mental illness awareness week!!What other movie gets people going back to the theatre multiple times to see it again and again loving it more each time? Among amateur critics it is the most underrated movie this year because they can’t see past the comic book title. But don’t judge it by its cover, Joker is revolutionary and has had more impact on our world than any other movie this year.

  7. “The voters are still mostly male and old”. Those old male voters gave Best Picture to Moonlight and Shape of Water recently. Is that really a strong argument against them giving Best Picture to Parasite? I don’t think so. I hope it wins.

  8. Don’t count Hollywood out. It won the same two Best Picture Awards that Moonlight did. It won the Critics Choice and the Globe which Moonlight also won. And people are still talking about it and rewatching it and loving it more on rewatches. So it’s still a threat and considering it’s my personal #2 pick right behind Marriage Story I’d be perfectly find with OUATIH winning.

  9. I used to like Parasite and now the stans ruined it for me. Saying stuff like Parasite=Bernie, 1917=Trump. Stans are disgusting. They are BOTH excellent films. Trying to put down one film does not make the one you like, look better just FYI.

  10. I disagree with everyone here, I dont know how they think Parasite is still in the race for Picture after it underperformed during nominations

    Meanwhile, I'm still convinced that SAG snub wasn't nothing for 1917, I'm still predicting Hollywood because we made this same mistake for La La Land several years ago

  11. 1917 is a good movie and deserves some awards. But Parasite is clearly the best and more relevant movie. The Academy is struggling with ratings. Their survival depends on being relevant and fair, not conservative. Since Moonlight's victory, I recovered some of my hope for the Academy. I hope they do the right thing this year.

    The more I think about it, the more it makes sense to give best movie to Parasite.

  12. Even if there's a two-party competitive split between 1917 and Parasite, that's … not going to affect the voting that much? If we assume 1917 and Parasite is going to get the most votes, it wouldn't matter if people rooting for 1917 put Parasite 2nd or 9th, because they're second preference votes probably won't ever be counted. People who rank 1917 higher than Parasite will never need to have their Parasite ranking counting, and people who vote Parasite probably won't have their 1917 rank matter.

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