Marketing Live 2018:营销创新主题演讲

Google AdWords现在是Google Ads。单击此处以了解有关我们新广告品牌的更多信息:





  1. Thanks a lot for the Google Marketing Live. We are very excited with trueview for reach ads where we can add CTA and redirect users to our website. Thanks a lot guys

  2. How will individual certifications for Google Marketing Platform be handled? I've seen new video and Doubleclick certifications appear. Will Tag Manager, Data Studio, etc have certs through Academy For Ads?

  3. @Google – Will you be posting a recap to the presentation and where we can go to find out more information about all of the great new items you are launching? I would also love to rewatch the Summit if possible. Can you let me know where I can go to do so?

  4. The new features you're introducing are seriously exciting.

    We're a small family business that's been using Google Business tools for nearly a decade… we love your continued focus on helping small businesses, and we're with you all the way. 🙂

  5. I have been using responsive search ads by participating in the Beta and it's a great innovation that would help making customized ad copy according to the customers predictive search results. Just wanna raise one concern here, if google can provide the reporting of all the combinations it has used to identify the best mix of headlines and descriptions that performed best.

  6. Responsive search ads sound like they will help us test so many more messages. Oddly enough, it sounds like this will provide online marketers more data and more time. I'm excited to test this.

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