2020年奥斯卡预测(最佳图片)| 2019年11月

嗨!我是Dennis Buckly,您的菲律宾电影评论家!这是我对2020年奥斯卡最佳影片提名的早期预测!




  1. 1917 will win a couple of technical awards, but The Irishman, in my opinion, is locked to win. My favorite film is Parasite, but after watching The Irishman it's literally what the academy is looking for.

  2. My top 10 films of 2019

    1: The Lighthouse
    2: Parasite
    3: Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
    4: The Irishman
    5: Ford v Fararri
    6: Joker
    7: Toy Story 4
    8: Us
    9: The Farewell
    10: Avengers: Endgame

  3. I disagree about Joker. It has some flaws in itself and is not a perfect film. I think it should potentially get nominated for the best picture (and win the best actor and get nominated in a number of characters.) but not the best picture award in of itself. There are a number of masterpiece films this year that heavily outperform Joker as a film (Parasite, The Lighthouse, Marriage Story, and a few others) that are far more worthy of Best Picture than Joker.

  4. Nice video & pretty good predictions. As I agree with most of the movies u mentioned, I think Joker won't get a Best Picture nomination just because of the controversy. And some other movies which haven't yet released but still I think can be considered dark horses in this category are – "The Lighthouse", "Uncut Gems" & "1917". The top 3 front-runners are obviously "The Irishman", "Parasite" & "Once Upon A Time In Hollywood" but as Irishman is a Netflix movie and Parasite is a foreign language movie, I think Hollywood might win Best Picture and Tarantino's chance of winning Best Director are more than Scorsese's but I think Bong Joon-Hu totally deserves to win in this category. So truly, this is the best year in movies in last 10-15 years I think. And If Joaquin Phoenix doesn't win Best Actor next year, then honestly I'm done with the Oscars???

  5. Joker is…. meh? It's a very beautiful-looking film & Joaquin is very good in it but the script is just so weak & it feels like a waaaaay lesser Scorsese film as a comic book movie.

  6. I don’t think you can say “let’s be realistic” about Once Upon a Time not being one of Tarantino’s best, it is not Pulp Fiction but it is still a fantastic film with amazing performances by Leo and Brad

  7. Has this guy even seen 1917 yet? It doesn't even have a score on Rottentomatoes yet. All these early Oscar predictions are absurdly speculative.

  8. Kababayan Playbuck here's my own predictions and I think can make it for Best Picture at the Oscars 2020 are:
    (i order it from stong to weak; and an collective thoughts from all Oscars prediction charts site and youtubers)

    (Warner Bros.)
    = it is not a glorification of a violences it is a message what is going on in the real world todays, it is about society's discrimination of poor versus have social power and it is also about mental illness that should be give priority of the the society and government and also a comicbook genre that step up thier game. A masterpiece from a comicbook genre movies, a will director film like what you say in this video also did I.
    This film for me should & will win Best Picture, also win for Best Director for Todd Philipps and Joaquin Phoenix should win for Best Actor; win a Best Adapted Screenplay & win a Best Production Design and get some nominations like Best Cinematography and etc. in other categories.

    Once Upon A Time In Hollywood
    =I agree that is best yet as a director for Quentin Tarantino but it is also a real event back then and give Quentin us a weird twist on it, to honest Hollywood loves movies about Hollywood that all I can say. Yeah this film get a nod for Best Picture and a lot nominations too like Best Director for Quentin Tarantino; Best Actor for Leonardo DiCaprio; Best Supporting Actor for Brad Pitt; Best Cinematography; Best Original Screenplay; Best Production Design and etc.

    Marriage Story
    = the odds about this film is.. it is a Netflix movie, why I say that ask your self why Roma didn't win at the Oscars last year, the real one of the reason is some Academy member voters thinking that Netflix is slowly killing the cinematic expriences to watch films instead we all going to the theaters in the nearest place now we can watch films now just in our gadgets wherever we are and wherever we can and I agree on that too and also slowly killing the all cinemas or movie theaters, some directors and filmmakers is vocally rally on that issue. And this film is about the directors life what's going him right now, a Noah Baumbach's divorse story and his wife Greta Gerwig also a director and filmmaker, he wrote and make this film to thinking that he will save his marriage life, so sad about the backstory of this film.

    = this film is kinda similarities of the film Joker in some ways like what I said about the Joker, one of the best film whom all asian cast and crew; and great representation for asians in Hollywood in Hollywood or global history and Bong Joon-Ho best work yet in his career, in some categories might sneak in a nominations like Best Cinematography; Best Original Screenplay and etc, the odds about this films a foreign langauge or in the Oscars called International Language Film and win in this category, also nomination for Bong Joon-Ho for Best Director.

    Jojo Rabbit
    (Fox Searchlight)
    = about an holocaust film but Taika Waititi give his own twist on it in a way in more like an children's story book for a holocaust event the ways of nazi's in every holocaust film telling to thier kids inside of the film and that's the odds of this film in a well directed film. And Taika Waititi's directing in his own way, the cinematography, the set of the film was mesmerising and I am sure this film not just a Best Picture nominations they can get as well as Best Director; Best Adapted Screenplay; Best Production Design and some in technical aspects and etc.

    The Irishman
    = like what I said on the film Marriage Story it is a Netflix film, read above about the Marriage Story. Some critics and some in prediction charts is popular because the director and actors is Hollywood's darlings on it, Martin Scorsese todays most recognised and most look-up, one of the respect filmmaker in the Hollywood, also Robert De Niro on it, Al Pacino and Joe Pesci, but in some critics and some prediction charts says a great film but a slow burner film that's they said about this film, for me Martin Scorsese is almost copying of Alfonso Cuarón's Roma style of the film about telling the film not in all aspects of the films and I seeing not Martin Scorsese great film today but it is the safest film in the contention for Best Picture.

    Avengers: Endgame
    = you're thinking WTF why?!.. I know but I have reasons why should Avengers: Endgame get a nomination for Best Picture at the Oscars 2020 and recognitions in all awards season in Hollywood. Come on guys give Marvel Studios and Kevin Feige and Disney credits what they distributed in filmmaking and todays pop culture and changing the perpectives about comicbook genre in the faces of filmmakers and in the showbiz industry specially in Hollywood. Way back then the comicbook film is a joke for the showbiz industry, a trash or not worth-watching films now they want duplicate or following the steps what Marvel Studios done because the only same film production and same studio continuously having box-office success in almost movies what they produce and get big profit a billion back profit. Now we have some greatest comickbook movies like Wonder Woman, Logan and Black Panther which give us a great representations and diversive storytelling. About the film it is a movie exprience series if you've missed any film in the MCU underneath films it is like you a missed an episode of a TV series or soap opera, no one in any film studio did that, earning respects of Hollywood's filmmakers and critics. And I think not just Best Picture they can get nominations also in some categories too loke Best Adapted Screenplay, a suprise nomination for Robert Downey Jr. in Best Actor category if they vote for him and etc. When I watched it in the cinema while watching it was setting my mind this an Oscars Best Picture material and worth watching even in billion times.

    = this film the only I can see is a strong condenter for Best Picture, nice cinematography and nice directing by Sam Mendes and best work film yet for Sam, a great film. that's why here in my prediction of 1917 position because in some prediction charts and some "Oscars experts" critics are popular on them but for me a great film but the same for me in the genre of war film. I put this film in 8th position are they call it "Oscars buzz" and one the films this 2019 I want to watch in several times.

    Ford V Ferrari
    (20th Century Fox)
    = this film is not about a racing cars or the sports racing, it is about between two different perpectives the business wise versus the artistic works also related today in our society. This film earns this 9th and last spot of my prediction for Best Picture contention one of the reason os they called "Oscars Buzz" also called award buzz.

    Here my runner up film for the contention for Best Picture and can't make it in my prediction chart and only 9 films, the 10th spot is empty because can't decide which film can earn the spot and for me are all equal in terms the quality of the film and they are:
    Rocketman / The Farewell / A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood / Bombshell / Richard Jewell / Honey Boy / Little Women / Ad Astra / Cats / The Two Popes / Us

  9. Brad Pitt already has an Oscar; he was credited as a Producer in the Best Picture winner '12 Years a Slave'. However, he is yet to win an acting Oscar. This could be his year. I also agree with your comments on 'The Departed' and how Scorcese won the Oscar for another movie outside of a true masterpiece like 'Raging Bull', 'Taxi Driver', and/or 'Goodfellas'.

  10. I think Brad Pitt has every right to be campaigned on the Best Actor spot. But he has a better chance to win in the supporting actor category. Heavily heavily rooting for Parasite and Joaquin Phoenix!

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