
Instagra-@ howex5





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  1. Hi Folks. Just setup a VPN on a USG 3P (172.x.x.x) per the video and had to give the VPN sub-net a 192.x.x.x range. Not surprisingly i cant connect to local devices on the 172 network. Any ideas what I am missing please?

  2. For anyone wondering, these instructions still work great. I just set it up on my Unifi network and it worked my first try. Big thanks Willie!

  3. Thanks for the manual.

    VPN users created.

    The VPN connection works, but the connected user is not visible in / manage / site / default / clients / 1/100.

    The question is how to control the activity of VPN connections?

  4. I had L2TP working until I had to move to somebody else's connection. They have a PFSense router and have forwarded the VPN ports to my USG. However, no amount of configuration (Site-To-Site, L2TP, or otherwise) works. Trying to achieve the same connection, but not sure how to proceed.

  5. Hi Willie Howe, this is awesome, I followed your instruction and I can connect to my office without a problem. My question is, what config do I need put on OpenVPN config file if I want to use this application? Can you make a video on how to do this? Cheers mate!

  6. thanks for the video. I am replacing an existing (old) Router that had VPN capability with an USG at my house, simple flat network. One thing, on my existing setup the VPN clients (namely me and my remote devices) are put on the same IP subnet as my home network (which is desirable for simplicity reasons), do you know if that can be done with the USG? It seems to indicate that the subnet must be different, presumably it'll just route happily between the two.

  7. So this is pretty cool, and it was pretty easy to follow. I do have a question.. is it possible for me to access network shares from my local network once I've connected to the VPN?

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