戒指合体冒险-冒险预告片-Nintendo Switch

探索一个梦幻般的冒险世界,使用现实生活中的锻炼打败健美龙及其仆从!通过慢跑遍历草清的平原,用头顶肩膀按压攻击敌人,并通过打一些瑜伽姿势来补充健康状况。新的Ring-Con™和Leg Strap配件(包括在游戏中)可以响应您的真实动作,使游戏能够将其转变为游戏中的动作。有了其他迷你游戏和可自定义的锻炼程序,Ring Fit Adventure对于所有技能水平和时间表的玩家来说都是一个不错的选择。 Nintendo Switch现在可用!

学到更多! https://ringfitadventure.nintendo.com/

#NintendoSwitch #RingFitAdventure

订阅更多任天堂的乐趣! https://goo.gl/HYYsot

访问Nintendo.com以获得最新信息! http://www.nintendo.com/


  1. I got an game idea! The Alpha. The alpha is about a kid with a pet wolf, and the villan is a kidnapper that is acutely a dreadful beast that feeds on flesh so, the wolf has to go through the city, fight wild beasts, and find power bones to get power ups to save the kid. The wolf's name is Sparky, and the kid's name is Dan. The power ups in the bones are super jump, fire bites, freeze kick, super speed, and thunder howl. The final boss is the dreadful beast, that is named Deader, and the other bosses is up to you guys.

  2. Ok so this might be stupid but, do you think humans in the Pokémon world lay eggs? We have all seen that all Pokémon lay eggs even ones that we could consider mammals so do humans lay eggs? Like Pokémon replace real animals in this world and human are there for Pokémon so it would only make logical sense that they would lay eggs. Also if humans are a Pokémon what’s their type? Most would say normal but they are some of the most intelligent creatures so maybe physic but only some humans can use physic powers. I would like to bring attention to a Pokédex entry in Firered “It happened one morning – a boy with extrasensory powers awoke in bed transformed into Kadabra.” so did the boy evolve because a stat was high enough? Also in Black the Pokédex says “Each of them (Yamask) carries a mask that used to be its face when it was human. Sometimes they look at it and cry.” so when a human dies dose it evolve? Are humans like eevees where they can evolve into a lot of different forms based on the situations that take place during the evolving? I don’t know maybe I’m looking to much into it.

  3. I'm still sore of playing 4 days straight! I was even thinking of raising the difficulty. This is fantastic for people that need to find the motivation to get up and move. Its worth the money!!!

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