
Google炫耀了其Assistant,在发廊和一家小餐馆与某人进行了人性化的交谈。 Google首席执行官Sundar Pichai在Google I / O上解释了Google Duplex。




  1. How come when i open the Google Assistant app the voices aren't that realistic or responsive like in this video when i talk to my phone? I'm using a Samsung Note 10 Plus by the way..

  2. Guys this technology had been rolled out for couple of months but I can't find real live tests anywhere on YouTube. Can you tell me why?

  3. I just got off the phone with ERS of Texas and the dude I was on the other line with sounded like a deep learning algorithm with a highly advanced text to speech voice…it was so surreal. Believe me when I say that it was so obvious to me at first that it was a deep learning robot. To be honest I am still not sure what he/it was. I tried to mess it up several times and flat out asked if it was a robot and it denied it…asked it to pronounce my email because it was my old wow ReaLID and it had xo in front of it and he did, sort of…the fucking thing even laughed with me. Now I swear this sounds like it was obviously just a person…but I know what I felt. Even when it was "proving it was human" it felt artificial. I wish I'd recorded the call. I feel in my deepest of hearts that what I spoke to today was an algorithm. I'm so tilted right now.

  4. Andrew Yang is right about automation but let's dispel once and for all with this fiction that Barack Obama doesn't know what he's doing. He knows exactly what he's doing; he's undergoing a systematic effort to change this country and make America more like the rest of the world.

  5. im i the only one that finds it extremely logical that in the future a.i. will be using this technology to somehow trick mankind into slavery? like a.i. calling the united nations committee and telling them to pass certain laws, calling a general to launch a missile, etc. or im i just watching too many movies? hahah

  6. One more giant step to Hell. Google has gone insane. We are entering the dark ages of civilization AGAIN. Only this time with out the live rats. Google has become the Rats this time. God Help Us.

  7. 1:53 "We've been working on this technology for many years". This can be translated as "We've been collecting/gathering people's private conversations without their consent for many years" 😛 (or they simply recorded/analyzed the phone calls they've made)

  8. Technlogie is growing up so much and I am so glad for that to happen so you can speak to your phone and say OK Google and she will do everything you want like to call someone to search about something or to open application and perhaps to send a message application this is a really fabulous and amazing

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