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安迪·冯克(Andy Funke):https://www.youtube.com/user/AndyMFunke
Just Cuz:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCovYvTIH4eKkfMCUfwIVtiA
雷切尔·瓦格纳(Rachel Wagner):https://www.youtube.com/user/smilingldsgirl
苏珊:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCT2IPDFmoxrFMMNNU6IQ_Ew?app = desktop

#2020OscarWinners#2020Oscars#2020OscarPredictions#2020OscarWinnerPredictions#2020OscarBestPicture #BestPicture #Joker#1917 #Parasite#2020BestPictureWinner。

  1. best picture: parasite
    best director: Sam Mendes, 1917
    best lead actor: Joaquin Phoenix, joker
    best lead actress: Renee Zellweger, Judy
    Best supporting actor: brad Pitt, ouatih
    Best supporting actress: Laura Dern, marriage story
    Best cinematography: roger deakins, 1917
    Best original screenplay: ouatih
    best adapted screenplay: little women
    Best score: hildur gudnadottir, joker
    Best animated film: ts4
    Best documentary: for sama
    Best song: the rocket man one
    Best visual effects: irishman
    Best production design: ouatih
    Best makeup: bombshell
    Best costumes: ouatih
    Best editing: parasite (fingers crossed) but probably fvf (if parasite wins here it wins best picture)
    Best sound mixing and editing: 1917

    Kinda feeling that the academy shares the love this year. reply with your opinions!

  2. Laura Dern has a difficult role in Marriage Story  – where she plays an unlikable character that audiences aren’t going to root for. But she has the Oscar moment in the film where she talks about different expectations that are put upon mothers over fathers.

  3. Best picture 1917
    Best director 1917
    Best actor Joaquin Phoenix
    Best Supporting actor Brad Pitt will win but I want Joe Pesci
    Best Actress that chick from Little Women can't spell her name lol
    Best Supporting actress Scarlett Johansson
    Best Cimotography the lighthouse (only nomination)
    Best adapted screenplay Joker
    Best original screenplay Once Upon A Time In Hollywood
    Best original Score Joker

    Can't think of the others

  4. Zach, sorry to disagree, but what about 1917? I think people usually see things from an American point of view. Talking about quality. Once Upon .. is the worst Tarantino's movie ever. Just ridiculous, besides the end of the movie just sucks. The rest of the world loved 1917 and Parasite. If it wins it is just a fan thing not because the movie is good!! Hope it does not! It's unworthy of the prize!! Sam Mendez and the korean director made both masterpieces!

  5. You are right. The dark horse is Joker. If Once Upon a Time in Hollywood wins SAG tonight, I’m calling that for Best Picture.

    I have a feeling 1917 will end up being like Gravity. Win a lot of technical stuff, but not best picture.. (plus 1917 doesn’t have any acting noms)

  6. I could see 1917 win best picture but director goes to Tarantino. Tarantino has never won director. And yet I wouldn’t be surprised is the opposite happened. The acting categories are a lock for the favorites. I don’t see another Olivia Coleman surprise. Gerwig will probably get screenplay adaptation. She deserves it.

  7. Without Documentary
    Supporting Actress: Laura Dern
    Supporting Actor: Brad Pitt
    Lead Actor: Joaquin Phoenix
    Lead actress: Renee Zellweger
    Og Screenplay: Once Upon a Time In Hollywood
    Adapted Screenplay: Irishman
    Sound Mixing: 1917
    Sound Edit: Ford V Ferrari
    Production Design: Parasite
    Cinematography: 1917
    Visuals: Endgame
    Animated Feature: Toy Story 4
    Original Song: Frozen 2
    Original Score: Joker
    Director: Sam Mendes
    Costume: Jojo Rabitt
    Makeup: Joker
    Best Picture: Once Upon A Time In Hollywood

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