
  1. Job interview with boomers.

    Boomer: ok, so you seem like a great fit for this job. You have all of the qualifications. You went to school, stayed out of trouble. But I think I’m just going to hire someone in the company for this position.

    Millennial: ok boomer!

  2. This is the problem when parents let their kids to use internet.. all they know is a reality reflected on a screen of smartphone.. in the real world they just clowns who barely now how to survive..

  3. Not sure what was more cringe. The boomers in the story of the total lack of self awareness of the idiots making them. Go ahead. Hit me wid it.

  4. This Ok boomer this is very disrespectful. I am a 13 year old from Generation Z and even I believe that this “Trend” is extremely rude. You guys should respect your elders and just think of why they criticize us. You have to think of how they come from many generations ago and things were extremely different then. You guys have no shame doing this and it slightly disgusts me. However, I will admit that it is funny at times but sometimes it can be rude. I get called Boomer all the time even though I’m from Gen Z. It is really annoying and sometimes really hurtful because of the things they add on to boomer, like calling me old and saying I have dentures. I am not trying to hate at all, I just felt that you should at least put yourself in other peoples shoes.

  5. I'm no boomer. But I'll hire a boomer over a millenial any day of the year. Boomers are more productive in their deathbed than a healthy millennial.

  6. I'm Gen X and I'm perfectly okay with being mislabeled as a boomer. Boomers literally invented computers, the internet, video games, cellphones, space travel, video, just to name a few things. Gen X created smartphones, laptops, social media, digital media, rap music, just to name a few. Millenials? Well they just use everything past generations invented to post stupid videos lip syncing, and are so clueless, they don't even know what generation they're actually pathetically attempting to insult and failing miserably at it. And let's not forget the icing on the cake. They're so stupid a lot of these idiots promote socialism. Something that if past generations were stupid enough to push, they would have never even invented all the things millenials misuse. So here's a little tip for all you members of the stupidest and worst generation in possibly the entire history of the US. If you REALLY want to make a member of the previous generations to feel truly insulted…just call the a millennial. There's no greater insult you could do than that.

  7. Old lady questioned me about being 19 and trick or treating:

    Boomer: Aren't you a little too old to be trick or treating? gives somw cocky smirk

    Me: Aren't you a little too old to still be breathing? gives the same cocky smirk

    Boomer: smirk drops to a frown and she slams the door

  8. Ayo, aye, yeah
    This one goes out to all the sixty five crowd on Soundcloud
    Not gonna say much, shoutout Jedwill
    He gon' take over on the mic
    Old ladies suck
    Ok boomer, ok boomer
    Ok boomer, ok boomer
    Ok boomer, ok boomer
    Ok boomer, ok boomer
    Ok (boomer), ok (boomer), ok (boomer, boomer)
    Ok (boomer), ok (boomer), ok (yuh, yuh, yuh, boomer)
    Ok boomer, ok boomer
    Ok boomer, ok boomer
    Ok boomer, ok boomer
    Ok boomer, ok boomer
    Ok (boomer), ok (boomer), ok (boomer, boomer)
    Ok (boomer), ok (boomer), ok (yuh, yuh, yuh, boomer)
    Yo, aye, aye
    Aye it's funny, you think I respect your opinion
    When your hairline looks that disrespectful
    Yeah, yeah, yeah, uh
    You're all old and racist, all about the fakeness
    I'm tryna pay my bills, but I'm all on the wait list
    Staring at her piercings, staring at tattoos
    Staring at her bra like the evening news
    You bible thump your kids, wonder why we're pissed
    Say America again, I'm gonna take a piss
    Cremated to ashes, disappear like magic
    The you wear that Maga hat, lookin' like a fascist
    Hey (hey)
    Oh, yee-haw
    Hey Billy Bob
    We got em' boys
    I'm not even a millennial, I'm generation Z
    Gucci Gang
    Ok boomer, ok boomer
    Ok boomer, ok boomer
    Ok boomer, ok boomer
    Ok boomer, ok boomer
    Ok (boomer), ok (boomer), ok (boomer, boomer)
    Ok (boomer), ok (boomer), ok (yuh, yuh, yuh, boomer)
    Ok boomer, ok boomer
    Ok boomer, ok boomer
    Ok boomer, ok boomer
    Ok boomer, ok boomer
    Ok (boomer), ok (boomer), ok (boomer, boomer)
    Ok (boomer), ok (boomer), ok (yuh, yuh, yuh, boomer)

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