带有Socket.IO的Golang Websockets教程





Visual Studio程式码:https://code.visualstudio.com/


  1. All of your content is top-notch, both on your blog and here on YouTube. Thank you for sharing so much valuable knowledge with the world 🙂

  2. Why to use so huge dependency and bad reputation like Socket.IO instead of using vanilla WebSockets in client side? Just to handle downgrades and all possible edge cases which probably i don't need to handle? It feels like case where 99,9% tutorials advice to bring in jQuery bloatware to make simple DOM manipulation. And at the end, juniors should be educated one more time to work without jQuery.
    Anyway, tnx for making Go content. Looking for vanilla implementations + Protocol Buffers (gRPC).

  3. Not sure if you used go-micro, but if you have, how would I implement that so I can have my websocket handle rpc calls?

  4. Try to move away your asset server then connect on the websocket. This fucking library is shitty. You can't use CORS properly it just won't work.

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