
2020年奥斯卡金像奖的提名最近已经宣布,有些事情可以达成共识,不同意,在这段视频中,我对《奥斯卡金像奖》发表了自己的看法和预测。 2020年的奥斯卡金像奖/奥斯卡颁奖典礼在2019年上演了一些很棒的电影,这看起来令人兴奋。在这个视频中,我对2020年的奥斯卡获奖者和冷落的人发表了自己的看法。
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  1. I still could not believe 1917 got a nomination for Best Original Screenplay. What the hell does its script looks like? "… and they ran, then they duck, … jump… then run again…" Yes, that movie is great in technical aspects especially the cinematography, score and sound. However, the movie's script and direction are overrated. There's just no character development. And the "one shot" gimmick is nothing original. We already seen that in Birdman, which to my opinion is a superior film than 1917.

    And finally, let me say these:
    1. Joker is also overrated. Geez, this is a second rate photocopy of Taxi Driver and The King of Comedy.
    2. OUATIH and Irishman just did not work for me. These two movies are nothing but every movie Tarantino and Scorcese, respectively, did in the past.
    3. PARASITE is the best picture (and should be) because it's better directed, better acted, and more original.

  2. I feel like most people just ignore Ford vs Ferrari because it's a car movie and a dad movie. If you have not seen it, please do. It has great performances, set pieces, it's thrilling, and most importantly IT'S SO MUCH FUN.
    You may not think that it is the best of the year, but believe me, you will have fun.

  3. Im not gonna lie..I know most will find The Two Popes boring, but I view films as an explorer device as well and I thought it was interesting watching two popes having serious conversations
    I appreciated the beautiful cinematography but then again Fernando Meirelles always delivers..
    Jonathan Pryce was really good in it and the chemistry between him and Hopkins was very natural..

    I say throw Leo and Banderas out of there and replace it with Adam Sandler and Eddie Murphy.

    I also feel Laura Dern didnt deserved it neither.. I love Marriage Story but come on, they snubbed Jennifer Lopez to put Dern up there??

  4. If you hang some carpets on the hard surface walls or even blankets it'll help massively with the echo. Parasite? I've not heard of this film. Fixing

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